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Are elevator ads repeated tens of thousands of times useful?

Is elevator advertising effective? Have you used it before? How effective is it?

Whether it is effective depends on the data.

Among the "BrandZ 2018 Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands", 83% of brands with rising value have invested in elevator advertisements.

Half of the top 12 on the list are re-invested customers of Ant Communication.

When these six major brands launched elevator advertisements on Yichuan Zhihu broadcast last year, the company's Baidu index reached tens of millions, and the annual brand value increased by up to 50%.

Big brands return to elevator advertising in order to maintain brand vitality and competitive scale; small, medium and micro enterprises return to immediately improve the customer acquisition efficiency of Wei Nian Xi.

Whether it is a big brand or a small, medium and micro enterprise, customers’ repeat purchases prove that elevator advertising is effective.

Why doesn’t anyone see the effect?

Of course this situation exists. After all, elevator advertising is just a channel to help businesses get exposure. Without marketing awareness and follow-up, the chance of turning around business just by exposure is slim.

Essentially, elevator advertising is an efficient medium, but the final effect is the result of the combination of media, content, activities, scenes and other factors, all of which are indispensable.

Some companies make advertisements that are broadcast countless times in a loop. How effective is this?

1. Some companies advertise countless times in a loop

In order to achieve publicity effects, some companies advertise countless times in some elevator doors, business rooms, and shopping malls. The effect of this is very obvious. Everyone remembers the properties and uses of these products in their daily lives. Through extensive publicity, the product image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and gained the trust of the people.

2. The effect of corporate advertising in the elevator is obvious

There are often some promotional advertisements in the elevator. These advertisements are in good form and have new content. Playing it continuously in the elevator has a very significant effect.

Many products have very good sales results because they are advertised in elevators, and have become well-known products, so many businesses use this method to promote them.

The law of communication is to repeat it countless times and attract people’s attention countless times. When we see some down jacket brands in the mall, we don’t want to buy down jackets. However, after watching the advertisements for a long time, we have desire to purchase. We have all seen melatonin advertisements, repeated countless times every day. As a result, people in the streets have become familiar with melatonin products, and many elderly people have taken the initiative to buy melatonin.

3. Precautions for corporate advertising

When some companies advertise, they should start with details and people’s lives. The advertising words should be catchy, and people will read them. After you pass it, you won't forget it. This is a very good advertisement.

Advertisements must be placed at a concentrated time. You cannot place them today and not tomorrow, otherwise certain effects will not be achieved. Advertising time should also be best during prime time, usually after eight o'clock in the evening. People will be attracted to the advertising content after eating and watching TV, so that the publicity effect will be obvious.

The content of the advertisement must be novel, so that the advertisement can attract attention and be effective. Nowadays, there are many forms of advertising, including WeChat promotion, self-media promotion, etc. This form of promotion has a good effect.

The effect of advertising is very good, so many companies spend some of their balance funds on advertising. This part of the money is spent meaningfully and valuable.

Finally, I hope that all companies will do a good job in advertising and marketing this article.

编辑于:2024-09-21 12:48:08