Which wire should be removed first from the advertising light transformer?

●▽●How to repair the broken LED light transformer?
First check whether the LED light transformer is damaged, which can be divided into the following categories.
If high-frequency transformer B is damaged, ∮0.32mm high-strength wire can be wound on a 10mm×6mm×5mm high-frequency magnetic ring. T1 and T2 each have 4 turns, and T3 has 8 turns. Pay attention to the head and tail.
Although the fuse is not blown or the incoming line is not blown but the resistor is obviously damaged, the transistor will undoubtedly be damaged. There are several reasons for this. The first is that the environment in which the LED lamp is located is poor, even if the usage conditions are not good, and the second is that the lamp has been used for too long, causing damage to the LED transformer caused by the aging of the lamp with poor performance. In response to the damage to the transformer caused by these two situations, when replacing the resistor and transistor, it is best to replace the C3 and C4 small electrolysers with clean pairs. It may also be caused by C1 losing capacity.
If only the resistor-capacitor and transistor on the Q2 side are burned out, you should focus on checking whether C2 has broken down.
When the fuse is blown or the line at the incoming line is blown, if C1, Q1, and Q2 are intact, routine inspections and voltage withstand tests must be performed on D1 to D4 one by one.
If C1 bursts, accompanied by blown fuses and blown incoming wires, all D1 to D4 and C1 should be replaced.

ˋ^ˊ〉-#How to repair the advertising light power supply
First of all, when the advertising light power supply is damaged, we should first check whether the plug and power cord are working properly. If there is a loose plug or damaged power cord, we can try to replace the plug or power cord to ensure a secure connection. If it is found that there is no problem with the plug and power cord, we can further check the transformer.
Secondly, the transformer is an important part of the advertising light power supply. If we suspect a damaged transformer, we can confirm the problem by testing the output voltage with a multimeter. If the transformer output voltage is unstable or has no output, we may need to replace the transformer with a new one. In addition, we should check the capacitors around the transformer. If the capacitors are bulging or leaking, they also need to be replaced.
Finally, if there is no problem with the plug, power cord, and transformer, but the advertising light power supply still does not work, it may be due to damaged components on the circuit board. In this case, we can try to repair or replace the components on the circuit board, or contact professional maintenance personnel for repair.
In short, repairing the power supply of advertising lights requires carefully checking various parts such as plugs, power cords, transformers, and circuit boards to find and solve the problem. If we cannot repair it ourselves, it is recommended to contact professionals for repair in time to ensure the normal operation of the advertising light.
