Chongqing bus station billboard placement price

1、What is the typical size of a large billboard?

There are many types of outdoor billboards, including: high-speed media, subway advertising media, LED display screens, building media, bus advertising media, three-sided advertising, train media, etc. Nowadays, more and more advertising companies are paying attention to the creativity and design effects of outdoor billboard sizes. Governments at all levels also hope to establish a city image and beautify the city through outdoor advertising. These provide huge market opportunities for outdoor advertising production, and therefore put forward higher requirements. China's largest outdoor three-sided advertising billboard has a total area of ​​15,271.2 square meters, and it is also the largest three-sided advertising in the world. The world's largest three-sided outdoor billboard is located in Chongqing. This outdoor billboard has a total area of ​​15,271.2 square meters, consists of 200,000 small three-sided panels, and has a "weight" of 525 tons. It took 50 workers to work continuously for 20 days to complete the entire picture. The size of outdoor billboards varies greatly, depending on the resources of the advertising media provider, and is generally quite large. It can range from a few meters to a dozen or dozens of meters. The image size must be set according to the resolution. Generally, it is 150dpi (large-size printing) to 300dpi (small-size printing). Actual size = pixels/resolution (note that 150dpi and 300dpi here refer to pixels/inch, and it is intuitive to calculate them in millimeters). In this issue, there are three main types of billboards: small, medium and large:

"Small" billboards, the billboard area is between 1 square meter and 20 square meters, such as sidewalk light boxes, lamp post light boxes, and phone booths , car booths and other small outdoor billboards. "Small" signboards can be found everywhere. According to statistics, "small" signboards in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou are widely used in urban areas. The billboards are mainly light boxes, phone booths, and car booths. There are 5,085 such billboards in Beijing, 6,688 in Shanghai, and 6,492 in Guangzhou. It can be seen that the number of "small" cards in the three places is similar. The total number of "small" types of billboards in the three places is 18,265, accounting for 86% of all types of billboards in the three places. "Medium" type signs, the area of ​​billboards is between 21 square meters and 249 square meters, such as medium-sized billboards on roofs, building sides, pillars, etc.; "medium" type signs are mainly distributed in various buildings, bridges, etc., with an area of Big, good location. According to monitoring data, there are 912 brands in Beijing, 641 in Shanghai, and 1,159 in Guangzhou. Among the three places, Guangzhou has a relatively larger number of "medium" brands. The total number of "mid" boards in the three places is 2,712, accounting for 13% of all types of billboards in the three places. "Large" signboards are billboards with an area of ​​more than 250 square meters, such as super-large advertising signs distributed on the roofs of large buildings and roadsides; "large" signboards are huge in area and are often distributed on the roofs of buildings, on the sides of buildings, etc. Because of the huge area, the number of "small and medium" cards is relatively small. In Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, the total number of "big" brands is not large. Beijing has 56, Shanghai has 106, and Guangzhou has 51. The total number of "large" signboards in the three places is 213, accounting for 1% of all types of billboards in the three places.


2、What advertising companies are there in Chongqing?
Purely made by hand, hope to adopt it
There are many ways to classify advertisements according to type. Compared with coastal cities and Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, Chongqing’s advertising market system is not very well developed. , the competitiveness is not as good as that of coastal cities. But now the country is vigorously developing the southwest region. Therefore, although the advertising market in Chongqing is not as complete as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, it is also international in the southwest region. Especially in recent years, many international brands and products have chosen to settle in the southwest. Chengdu or Chongqing are two mainstream cities.
My answers below are based on the types of advertising sold by media. I used to work in an outdoor media company. I will give a more detailed answer to outdoor media. Some of them will be attached with the more authoritative experts in the industry that I know. company. Others are afraid of incomplete understanding, so they answer selectively. I hope you can forgive me.
The media sales categories I know are:
1. Mainstream media:
A. Newspaper advertising agency
B. Television advertising agency
C. Radio advertising agency< br/>2. Online advertising
3. Outdoor advertising company
A. Bus stop company
Chongqing’s bus stops are exclusively repre sented by Chongqing Tiandi Advertising Culture Communication Co., Ltd., which was founded in 1996 , is one of the local outdoor media operators with a long history and abundant resources in Chongqing. They own more than 2,000 bus stops throughout Chongqing, and they produce all the advertisements you see at bus stops. Their credibility and publicity capabilities are still very strong. It is said that there is also a large LED screen, and the compre hensive resources are still very good.
Contact number: 400-810-8833/023-63638008
B. Car body advertising company
Bus body advertising is the advertising on the bus body that everyone usually sees. The bus body in Chongqing is Bole Exclusively operated, established 8 years ago, Chongqing Public Transport Group has the advertising rights to operate nearly 5,000 bus bodies and has a mesh publicity network of 250 lines. If you are doing mobile media, Bole's choice is still possible. However, Bole only operates buses and is inferior in terms of compre hensive resources
Contact number: 027-85552112
C. Subway Advertising Company
1) JCDecaux China
Those things you see on the subway Except for the ones on the car body, everything else that can be seen is basically from JCDecaux. Its full name is JCDecaux Advertising Chongqing Co., Ltd. It is the Chongqing branch of JCDecaux Group (which is relatively authoritative in outdoor advertising). This company in Chongqing was established in 2011 years, with a history of 6 years. Mainly publishes and acts as an agent for various types of advertisements at home and abroad in light rail
Contact number:
2) Daobo Culture Media
Car body advertisements (advertising that can be seen in the subway) are operated by Daobo Culture Company, Daobo The cultural communication company was founded in 2004 and serves as an agent for Chongqing Rail Transit's chartered train print advertisements.
Contact number: 023-67903250
3) Ring colored flags
There are basically very few of them now, so I won’t introduce them.
D. Building Advertising Company
Focus Media (China) Holdings Co., Ltd. Chongqing Branch, Focus operates Chongqing area building TV network, elevator frame advertising and digital poster media, mainly engaged in building media.
Contact information:
E. LED (large screen like Jiefangbei) advertising company
The LED market in Chongqing is quite competitive and there are many companies. Here are a few home screens
The first one: where the Chongqing Liberation Monument is (the one next to Gucci) - Feiyang Media
The second one: where the Chongqing Liberation Monument is (the one next to Rolex) - Tiandi Media
Note: These two screens are the two screens that you can usually see. The two screens are opposite. The advantage of the Feiyang screen is that it is next to Gucci, which may look more luxurious, while the Tiandi screen has a larger screen and a wider range of content radiation.
4. Focus Media
A. Frame advertising agency in the elevator
B. Focus advertising outside the elevator
C. Other video advertising agencies
