Property owners have the right to demolish shop billboards

本文目录一览I rented a shop in a community, put up a billboard and asked the property owner to remove it. The height and width of the billboard meet their requirements. Is this legal?

The property's actions are legal.

According to Article 49 of the "Property Management Regulations": Public buildings and shared facilities constructed in accordance with the plan within the property management area shall not be changed in use.

The rights and obligations of property users in property management activities are agreed between the owner and the property user, but they must not violate the relevant provisions of laws, regulations and management regulations. If a property user violates the provisions of these regulations and management regulations, the relevant owners shall bear joint and several liability.

If the owner needs to decorate the house, he should inform the property service company in advance. Property service companies should inform owners of prohibited behaviors and pre cautions during house decoration.

Those who use shared parts of the property and shared facilities and equipment for business operations must obtain the consent of the relevant owners, owners' conference, and property service companies, and go through relevant procedures in accordance with regulations. The income earned by the owners should be mainly used to supplement special maintenance funds, and can also be used according to the decision of the owners' meeting.

When there are potential safety hazards in the property that endanger public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of others, the responsible person shall promptly repair and maintain the property, and the relevant owners shall cooperate. If the responsible person fails to perform repair and maintenance obligations, with the consent of the owners' meeting, the property service company can perform maintenance and repairs, and the costs shall be borne by the responsible person.

Extended information:

In property management activities, owners shall perform the following obligations:

(1) Comply with management regulations, owners Rules of procedure of the general meeting;

(2) Comply with the rules and regulations regarding the use of shared parts of the property and shared facilities and equipment, and the maintenance of public order and environmental sanitation in the property management area;

( 3) Implement the decisions of the owners’ meeting and the decisions made by the owners’ committee authorized by the owners’ meeting;

(4) Pay special maintenance funds in accordance with relevant national regulations;

(5) Pay property services on time Fees;

(6) Other obligations stipulated by laws and regulations.

Reference source: China Government Website-Property Management Regulations

The property management company in our community asked a businessman to put up a billboard under my window, and the management company charged the businessman rent. I asked the property to be demolished, but the property was not demolished.
According to your diagram, although the billboard is installed below the window of your house, the wall it is installed on has nothing to do with your house.
So if the following circumstances do not occur, it will be difficult for you to win the case even if you hire a lawyer.
1. The billboard blocks the windows of your home and blocks light;
2. The lighting of the billboard causes light pollution to your home;
3. The installation of the billboard destroys the appearance of your home. Wall
4. The installation of billboards creates dangerous factors for the safety of your home (outsiders can climb the billboards to enter your home)
If the above situation occurs, you can sue the court and ask for its removal.

Does the property management have the right not to allow businesses to install outdoor billboards?
The exterior walls of the community belong to all owners, and no unit or individual has the right to install advertising light boxes and LCDs without permission Any wall changes must be approved by the owners' meeting. Mr. Shi secretly installed billboards in the early morning of June 16 without notifying the property management committee and the property management committee. The property management company has the right to stop it. On the afternoon of July 26, a door blocking incident occurred in the community, and the owners were very angry.
During the interview, Mr. Shi admitted that he did not obtain approval from the municipal department for installing outdoor billboards. The reporter learned from the City Appearance Advertising Section of the Guigang Municipal Bureau that to set up outdoor billboards, applicants need to go through relevant procedures and obtain an outdoor advertising installation permit before they can set up.
