Special advertising lights for street stalls

Is it profitable to sell food at a street stall?
I have been running a stall for more than three years. Based on my own experience, it is not profitable to set up a street stall. Many people hear that setting up a stall thinks it is very profitable. In fact, setting up a stall is just like doing an ordinary business and is not that mythical. For example, when we set up a stall this time, we not only lost nearly 10,000 yuan in investment, but also lost three months of business that should have been profitable. Food stalls not only have to be guarded, but also done. People are basically tied to the stalls and can't do anything else. The stall opens at 4 o'clock every day and closes at 10 o'clock in the evening to pre pare the goods for the next day. Repeatedly, the whole person's spirit is exhausted.
Let’s talk about the specific expenditure items for setting up a stall this time, hoping to help novices who want to make snacks in the future to do cost accounting. First of all, pre liminary pre parations: snack stalls, snack ingredients, production equipment stall rentals, rent deductions, Sell ​​supplies.
1. Stall: We bought it ready-made and it cost 500 yuan. However, for the sake of good-looking ingredients and advertising, we added warm light spotlights costing 120 yuan and three-sided light signs costing 360 yuan.
2. Material cost: We sell Qinghai specialty snack stuffed skin, so the ingredients need to be flour, mustard, leeks, chili, soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, ginger, and cooking oil. This part is long-term expenditure and will not be written here.
3. Equipment: In the early stage of testing, I bought two large steamers, which cost 300 yuan. Later, I considered that it couldn’t be done at home (only 3 pictures were produced every 15 minutes), which was not enough to sell enough for Hui Fanchun in one day, so I changed it. It cost another 1,300 yuan to build a large steam oven and steam grid. The other operating tables, operating frames, stainless steel basins, Liangpi gongs, buckets, electronic scales, yogurt machines, tables, etc. cost nearly 2,000 yuan.
4. The stall rental plus kitchen rental is nearly 4,000 yuan a month.
5. Various consumables: paper bowls, lids, plastic bags, chopsticks, spoons, etc. are also long-term expenses and will not be written down yet.
I once thought that setting up a stall was very simple, but when I started doing it, I found that it was no different from opening a shop to do business. In addition, since I was setting up a stall, I didn’t have a business license and couldn’t handle takeout business. This means that even if we put in the same amount of hard work, we cannot increase revenue through channels. In addition, because the product we chose is cold food, and the weather this year is bad, it is windy and rainy for almost half a month, so the income Even more bleak. Therefore, it is not recommended to just set up a stall without doing any market research, otherwise you will lose all your money.
