
⑴Legal issue, I live on the second floor, and the first floor is a store. I put the billboard on my window sill and below on the first floor, and used color steel to make a house cover with a protection period sign. This cover is consistent with my window< div>According to regulations, within the scope of the authorized use area, the lessee can carry out, decorate, and renovate the house within the scope of the contract. But your problem is that the owner downstairs is invading other people's space. Faced with such a thing, don't just get angry, and don't tolerate it either. First discuss with the owner downstairs and pay attention to your tone. If that doesn't work, go to the landlord. If that doesn't work, go to the neighborhood committee. In fact, the above methods may seem troublesome, but they are actually nothing. But it is a necessary process, because to get along with neighbors, there is no need to go to court directly, which will not only waste money and time, but also make everyone unhappy. However, if we really cannot reconcile or give you a satisfactory solution, even though the matter is not a big deal, but you are really holding your breath, other neighbors will not complain about you when they see it. They will say, look at so-and-so, they have discussed it with you again and again. , you just won’t solve it for them, so just sue them now. Please sue him. This is why I told you before why you should not sue directly. Okay, I'm having a hard time typing, so I won't say more. One thing is, don't act out of impulse, and don't do things like take off other people's brands. Given the current situation, as long as you sue, you can win!

⑵I live in a town, and the shop next door has a billboard blocking my view. If we can't negotiate, I'll complain to the local department!
The urban management department is also responsible for street billboards. But he will only be ordered to demolish it if there are violations. If it is just disturbing you and there is no violation of regulations, the relevant departments may not necessarily help. If a dispute arises, you can ask the police station to help mediate.
