Residential elevator advertising charging standards 2021

本文目录一览?ω?An elevator has five advertisements. Who has the final say in advertising in the community?

Nowadays, each community will choose whether to install elevators according to different floor heights. If the floor is too high, the community's planning team will install an elevator in the building. If the floor is not high, just use stairs. However, five advertisements appeared in an elevator in a certain community.

I think it should be the property management personnel who have the final say on placing advertisements in the community. However, there are always differences between ideals and reality. Even if the property management company conducts a detailed inspection of the advertisements in the community, it does not mean that everyone who posts small advertisements will get the consent of the community property management personnel.

Property management personnel should do a better job in checking small advertisements

Before this, there were many people in the city who distributed small advertisements or posted small advertisements in various communities. The wages earned were considerable. However, their behavior has had a certain impact on the appearance of the community and the entire city. In order to put an end to the behavior of posting small advertisements in the city, relevant departments in major cities have already formulated very strict punishment measures. In fact, property management personnel should do a better job of removing small and medium-sized advertisements in the community to ensure the overall planning and operation of the community.

Advertising in the elevator will bring more attention, but it will also cause certain negative effects

When we take the elevator that floats up and down in the mall, we will find the advertisement There are even a lot of inappropriate advertisements everywhere. Whether it is a small advertisement in a shopping mall or a small advertisement in an elevator in a community, inappropriate advertisements will always affect people's experience. Management personnel in shopping malls and property management personnel in residential areas should do a good job in checking small advertisements. This is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but an effective investigation to remove inappropriate and embarrassing advertisements.

In general, I think the advertisements in the elevators of the community should be decided by the community managers. The property managers are not only responsible for managing various affairs of the community, but also the property managers. Managers should check the advertisements in the elevators of the community. Advertisements full of positive energy can give people a better travel experience, while inappropriate advertisements in elevators can make people feel uncomfortable. Rather than causing owners in the community to have non-positive emotions, it would be better for property managers to promptly investigate the type and content of small advertisements.

⊙^⊙Who should I talk to if I want to place advertisements in the elevators of my community? ?
Look for an elevator advertising company. The property management company does not have the right to operate elevator advertising. Instead, the property owner committee or the property management company rents and sells elevator advertising space to an elevator advertising company. If a company wants to advertise, it can find an elevator advertising company. There is no direct contact between the advertiser and the community property or owners committee. There are also properties that take orders privately and pay people to post advertisements. This is not legal and compliant. If there is any trouble, it will be easily removed. Advertisers spend money without any protection.
1. Advertisement (advertisement, meaning to advertise widely) refers to informing the general public of something or something.
2; Advertising, in terms of its meaning, can be divided into broad and narrow senses. Broad advertising refers to advertising that is not for profit, such as government announcements. Advertising in the narrow sense refers to a kind of marketing behavior, that is, commercial advertising. It is a means for industrial and commercial enterprises to promote goods or provide services and disseminate goods or service information to consumers or users through advertising media for a fee.
3; In modern times, advertising is considered to be a form of purposeful information delivered through the media rather than verbally. It is designed to arouse people's demand for goods and create understanding and awareness of the companies that produce or sell these goods. To expre ss good feelings, to provide services for certain non-profit purposes and to expre ss certain meanings and opinions (Webster's Dictionary 1988 edition). Such as Dilemma
4: Advertising is a communication activity in which a certain organization or individual disseminates true information through designated media within a specified time and in accordance with requirements for a certain purpose by paying a fee. He believes that this definition comes from practice and can certainly reflect the essential attributes of advertising and can also explain some advertising phenomena other than commercial advertising. Such as "marriage notices", "government notices", "party notices" and other public service advertisements that have nothing to do with the economy.
5; The principle of effectiveness of advertising creativity. Originality is the first principle of advertising creativity, but originality is not the purpose. Whether advertising creativity can achieve the purpose of promotion basically depends on the efficiency of conveying advertising information. This is the effectiveness principle of advertising creativity, which includes understandability and relevance. Compre hensibility means it is easily accepted by a broad audience. When carrying out advertising creativity, one must be good at optimally combining various information symbol elements so that they have moderate novelty and originality. The key is to find the balance between "novelty" and "compre hensibility" to the sweet spot. Relevance refers to the memory-related connection between the image combination in advertising creativity and the advertising theme content.

>0<2021 New Property Regulations of the Civil Code
After the "Civil Code" was officially implemented on January 1, many aspects have been redefined. Today we will talk about that after the implementation of the Civil Code, owners can enjoy What rights.
Rights 1:
Income from public areas should be shared by all owners of the community. Elevator advertising in the community, the rental of public stalls, the rental of public parking spaces or temporary parking all generate profits, and these profits are shared by all owners in the community;
Rights 2:
The owners have the right to know the property fees . The "new regulations" clearly state that the property fee schedule of the community must be reviewed and approved by the Price Bureau, and the owner has the right to check whether the fee schedule and prices are legal;
Rights 3:
The owner has the right to change the property . Of course, there are certain conditions. It requires 2/3 of the owners to vote and half to agree to cancel or replace the property. This can not only effectively protect the basic rights and interests of owners, but also force properties to improve their service quality.
Legal Basis
Article 274 of the "Civil Code of the People's Republic of China" [Ownership of rights to roads, green spaces, etc. within building areas] Roads within building areas belong to the owners, but belong to the urban public Except for roads. Green spaces within building zones are owned by the owners, except those that are urban public green spaces or are expre ssly owned by individuals. Other public places, public facilities and property service buildings within the building zone belong to the owners.
Article 278 of the "Civil Code of the People's Republic of China" [Matters decided jointly by the owners and voting] The following matters shall be jointly decided by the owners: (1) Formulating and modifying the rules of procedure of the owners' meeting; (2) Formulating and modifying Management regulations; (3) Electing the owners committee or replacing members of the owners committee; (4) Selecting and firing property service companies or other managers; (5) Using maintenance funds for the building and its ancillary facilities; (6) Raising the building Maintenance funds for the building and its ancillary facilities; (7) Renovation and reconstruction of the building and its ancillary facilities; (8) Changing the use of the common part or using the common part to engage in business activities; (9) Other major matters related to co-ownership and joint management rights . For matters decided jointly by the owners, the owners who account for more than two-thirds of the exclusive area and more than two-thirds of the total number of owners shall participate in the voting. Decisions on matters specified in items 6 to 8 of the pre ceding paragraph shall be subject to the consent of more than three-quarters of the owners participating in the voting area of ​​the exclusive part and more than three-quarters of the number of owners participating in the voting. Decisions on other matters in the pre ceding paragraph shall be subject to the consent of more than half of the owners of the exclusive area who participate in the voting and more than half of the owners who participate in the voting.
