
本文目录一览ˇ0ˇWhat does vlog billboard mean?

Vlog billboard refers to the advertising section on the online video platform, which provides favorable conditions for the brand's exposure in video traffic. It is an advertising display area that is independent of the video content and is usually placed before, in the middle or at the end of the video. Vlog billboards are divided into two forms: static and dynamic. Static ads are usually pictures or text ads, while dynamic ads are ads containing animation, music and video elements.

The emergence of Vlog billboards has brought a wider range of choices for brands to conduct online advertising, which can capture more audience attention. Compared with traditional advertising methods, Vlog billboards have clearer target customers and higher advertising accuracy. In addition, Vlog billboards have a wide range of applications and can be widely used in various types of video content such as entertainment, news, sports, and e-commerce, providing great value for brand building.

With the increase in consumers’ online shopping habits and the development of online video platforms, Vlog billboards will become an essential marketing tool for brands. In the future, the development trend of Vlog billboards will be more personalized and intelligent. Brands will use big data and unmanned technology to make advertising displays more targeted and customized, thereby effectively improving advertising effectiveness and bringing greater benefits to brand marketing.

ゃōゃWhat does the light sign mean?
Light sign, also known as LED light sign, light panel, LED billboard or LED display sign, is a device that uses LED light tubes to form text and patterns on a substrate.
Light signs are driven by power and can emit red, yellow, orange, blue, white, green, pink and other colors, and can flash and change. They are mainly used for publicity and display. In addition, light signs have different uses in different situations. For example, in store advertisements or emergency instructions, the light signs may be powered by mains power; while in occasions such as fan support, the light signs may be powered by portable power sources such as batteries.
In modern culture, especially in the social media and entertainment industries, light signs also have special meanings. For example, on social media platforms such as Douyin, light badges refer to fan badges obtained after giving paid gifts to anchors, symbolizing joining the fan club. In concerts and other activities, fans will hold light signs and expre ss their support and love for their idols by lighting up lights. Sometimes they will engage in light sign battles to show the popularity of their respective idols.

ˋ^ˊWhat types of signs are there?
1. Horizontal signs: This type of sign is usually placed horizontally and is suitable for compre hensive advertising display. It is commonly found on the exterior walls of small shops and large buildings.
2. Vertical signs: Vertical signs are also used for advertising and are widely distributed on streets and building exteriors.
3. Protruding signboard: protrudes from the wall. Except for the back, the rest of the sign can be used for advertising. It is common in commercial streets and shopping malls.
4. Ground column signs: fixed on the ground, with various shapes, including horizontal boards, vertical boards and three-dimensional structures, used for outdoor advertising and instructions.
5. Roof-mounted signs: Signs installed on the roof, commonly in plate and cube shapes, and may be equipped with lighting equipment.
6. Illuminated signs: billboards with built-in night lights, projection lights or other lighting devices to facilitate nighttime visual effects.
7. Unilluminated signboards: Visual billboards that do not require night lighting and rely on their own materials or background reflection.
8. Indoor signs: signs used in indoor environments, such as direction instructions, reception information, etc.
9. Outdoor signboards: billboards placed outdoors, adaptable to the outdoor environment, and have strong weather resistance.
10. Commercial signs: Signs for commercial promotion, commonly found in shops, restaurants and brand chains.
11. Public signs: Signs used in public places to publish information or instructions, such as parks, hospitals, etc.
12. Medals: signs repre senting honors, such as "Excellent Employee", "Certificate of Certification", etc.
13. Navigation sign: A sign indicating directions, pre cautions or reminders, such as road signs and warning signs.
14. Machinery nameplate: A signboard indicating mechanical product information or attributes, usually fixed on the equipment.
15. Smooth signs: Signs with smooth surface treatment and oily coating, with high finish.
16. Signs made of luminous materials: signs made of luminous materials, namely neon lights and other luminous advertising boards.
17. Acrylic signs (acrylic): Signs based on acrylic resin are transparent in texture and have good weather resistance and aesthetics.
18. Metal signs: Signs whose main material is metal are durable and have an industrial feel.
19. Electro-optical panels: Signs made using electronic display technologies such as LED and LCD can be divided into various types and are used for dynamic advertising display.
[Reference source]

>ω<What types of outdoor billboards are there

Outdoor billboards, the silent narrator of the city, attract the attention of passers-by with their unique charm. From bustling streets to quiet alleys, they convey business information and shape brand image in a variety of forms. Below, let’s explore these eye-catching types of outdoor billboards.

1. Tall single-column billboards, like guardians of the city, stand on both sides of the road. The design of the two or three sides of the billboard cleverly caters to the sight of pedestrians. The two-sided sign is like a traffic guide light, and the small angle setting increases the visual impact; while the three-sided sign blooms at the intersection, like a beautiful landscape, directly reaching the massive flow of traffic and people.

2. The star in the night - spotlight billboard. With the help of high-tech lighting equipment, the advertising information shines in the dark night, like stars, which is unforgettable. They are not only beautiful, but also the focus of the night, lighting up the quiet corners of the city.

3. The neon flashing neon billboard is like an urban rainbow. Through the curved neon tubes and changing colors, it creates a unique visual feast at night. The flashing mode under electronic control adds to the dynamic feeling and becomes the focus of attention on the street.

4. The warm little station in the bus shelter - the bus shelter billboard warms people's hearts in the form of a light box. It mainly displays mass consumer goods and is suitable for convenient delivery in daily life.

5. Large light box billboards, such as decorative paintings on buildings, are colorful visual enjoyment during the day, and turn into bright "internal lighting" art at night, showing the depth of advertising. and levels.

6. Technological innovation - LED electronic screen advertising, with its dynamic and changeable characteristics, has become the new darling of modern cities. The brand information of countless merchants is played in turn, attracting the attention of passers-by.

7. Vibrant inflatable-shaped advertising, whether it is a long-term display or a temporary event, has become an eye-catcher at the event site with its huge shape, unique design and dazzling colors. Artifact that inspires consumers’ desire to buy.

Of course, there are also airships, balloons and wall advertisements, etc., each of which embellishes every corner of the city in a unique form and tells its own advertising story. Outdoor billboards are a part of urban life and a bridge of business communication, connecting brands and consumers, adding endless colors to our visual world.

The above content is provided by Taiyuan Giant Sign. If you need to quote, please indicate the source. Let us witness the charm and innovation of outdoor advertising together.
