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Why can't the billboard be knocked down easily if the wind blows it down?

1、What level of wind can blow a person down? How to avoid strong winds?

How much wind can blow down a person? How to avoid strong winds? It depends on what kind of person you are talking about! A weak person, regardless of age, will be blown down by Category 4 winds. If you are a strong young man, you can withstand a force eight wind. The specific situation also depends on whether the person has something like an umbrella in his hand, and where the person is. If he is not at the center of the storm, the level of wind resistance will be greater. But in fact, it is difficult for people to stay outdoors when there is a level 8 wind. At this time, slightly thinner branches will break, and people will feel great resistance when moving forward. The key is that they basically can't open their eyes in the wind.

Furthermore, no matter what is blown away, people cannot escape. Due to the wind, the gravity of the blown objects accelerates greatly, which can easily hurt people. Before strong winds arrive, citizens should listen to, watch or check typhoon warning information online in time to understand the government's typhoon pre vention countermeasures. Check whether the doors and windows are secure, close the windows in time, and move flower pots and debris on the balcony promptly to avoid injury accidents caused by being blown down by the wind. Check and reinforce outdoor neon lights, billboards, store signs, outdoor air conditioners and other high-altitude objects in advance. Protective measures should be taken in advance and tied and reinforced in time to pre vent trees from falling or affecting traffic. In low-lying residential areas, walls or water shields can be built in advance before a typhoon, and small pumps can be equipped for timely drainage.

Carefully check whether indoor circuits, telephones, and gas are safe and reliable, try to pull out unnecessary power plugs, and cut off dangerous outdoor power supplies. The typhoon is coming, with strong winds and heavy rainfall. People should try to avoid going out. When traveling, try to bend down and walk slowly. In case of strong winds or heavy rain, try to avoid it by choosing a safe place. Do not stay under high-altitude buildings such as glass doors and windows, dangerous shacks, temporary shacks, billboards, neon lights, etc. Ships at sea should return to the port in advance to take shelter from the wind, evacuate ship personnel, and strengthen the ship and pre vent wind and waves.

Ships that cannot return to the port before the typhoon should contact the shore in time to avoid the center of the typhoon and strive for rescue. Promptly strengthen enterprise projects under construction, various billboards, and coastal tourist attractions facilities. If the location is subject to huge waves and high tides caused by typhoons, nearby personnel should organize relocation in time. Citizens must not be afraid of the arrival of typhoons and do not be afraid of on-site warning signs at the seaside to avoid being trapped and affecting personal safety. Once geological disasters such as landslides and mudslides are discovered, the dangerous area should be evacuated as soon as possible.
