What materials are used for barber stall billboards?

Under what circumstances will the urban management fail to pay for the tān?
The common situations in which the Urban Management Bureau will impose fines for illegally setting up street stalls include the following:
1. Failure to obtain a street stall operating license. According to relevant regulations, the operation of street stalls requires a street stall operation license issued by the street or market management department. Those who operate without obtaining a license will be regarded as illegal street stalls and operating activities, and will be subject to certain fines.
2. The location of the street stall does not comply with regulations. Various districts in the city have strict regulations on the location and scope of street stalls. If you operate on a road or affect the city appearance and environment, you will be sentenced to violations and fined.
3. Putting up street stall products violates relevant rules. Some contraband, infringing goods, expired and spoiled goods, etc. will be ordered to suspend business for rectification and be fined.
4. The period for setting up a street stall exceeds the specified time. Many cities have strict restrictions on the time for setting up street vendors. Those who continue to operate street vendors beyond the pre scribed time will be regarded as violating the regulations and will be fined to varying degrees according to the severity of the case.
5. The stall area or product types exceed the permitted range. The permit for setting up a street stall will indicate the allowed stall area and the types of goods that can be sold. Any expansion of operations beyond the scope of the permit will be judged as illegal and illegal and will be punished.
6. Arbitrary charges or price gouging. Some street vendors make profits by driving up prices or charging arbitrary fees. Such behavior will also be considered illegal and subject to corresponding administrative penalties.
So, in short, when the urban management found that the street stalls had the above violations, especially if they did not obtain the necessary business licenses, they may be fined. The amount of the fine is determined by the nature and severity of the violation.

Teach you tips on setting up a street stall. What are the skills for setting up a street stall?

1. Suitable products
To set up a street stall, you must first have suitable products and decide what to sell. The so-called street stall goods are generally relatively cheap and suitable for working-class people. And they mainly focus on daily necessities, including clothes, shoes, socks, cosmetics, small jewelry, toys, etc. Therefore, when choosing products, you must choose products that are relatively cheap and commonly used in people's daily lives.
2. Understanding of the products
If you want to set up a street stall to make money, you must have a full understanding of the products you sell. When customers ask questions, you can help customers answer their questions through a compre hensive understanding of the products, so that they can Customers need to be assured and satisfied, otherwise they will not be able to gain their trust and ultimately they will not choose your products.
3. Suitable location
A suitable location is also crucial to setting up street stalls. The so-called suitable location must first ensure sufficient flow of people. The greater the flow of people, the greater the probability of selling the product; secondly, the purchasing power and consumption power of the people in the location must be observed; and finally, it is necessary to understand whether there are similar night vision products. If there is competition when selling goods, it will inevitably affect your sales and profits.
4. Choose a suitable location
After choosing a location to set up a street stall, you must also choose a suitable location. If you have just arrived at this location to set up a night market, you will find that the good seats have been taken up by people who came first, but some of the remaining seats are still relatively good. At this time, you can first establish a good relationship with the surrounding shops. At the same time, please note that if there are people selling the same product, try to keep a certain distance and don't get too close.
5. Purchase channels
After selecting the appropriate products and locations, it is time to start purchasing the goods. Good purchase channels can minimize purchase costs and increase overall profits. At the same time, you must learn to bargain when purchasing and establish long-term cooperative relationships. There is no need to purchase too many products in the early stage to avoid losses caused by failure to sell.
6. Advertising
Setting up a street stall is equivalent to a small entrepre neurial attempt. Since it is a kind of entrepre neurship, it should have its own advertising. You can find a picture and text store to make a small billboard. The slogan should be concise and highlight the characteristics of your product. It is not recommended to use loudspeakers to play it non-stop. This will arouse others' resentment and is not conducive to the sales of the product.
7. Reasonable pricing of goods
If you want to make money by setting up a street stall, you must understand the reasonable pricing of goods. Customers usually shop around when choosing products. Therefore, if the price of the product is too high, it will definitely scare away customers. If the price is too low, you cannot guarantee your own profits. After all, the purpose of setting up a stall is to make money. Therefore, you must set reasonable prices and learn more about your competitors' prices and sales.
8. Capture repeat customers
Most of the goods sold on street stalls are daily necessities and consumables. They are not one-time sales. If you set up a stall in one place for a long time, you will definitely have your own regular customers. You must seize these. For repeat customers, you can make these customers more recognized by you through appropriate profit sharing, so that they will introduce other friends to your stall to buy things. At the same time, we also ensure the quality of the products. If there is a problem with the quality, we will lose a lot of customers.
9. Enthusiastic and generous
Setting up a street stall is mainly a process of communicating with people. When selling your own products, you must be enthusiastic and generous, with a smile and a positive attitude that will also infect customers and make them Finally choose your product. At the same time, you should also pay attention to your personal image. If you show your chest and back, it will definitely arouse customers' opinions.
