Why are our billboards so ugly?


Why are our billboards so ugly?
1个回答 分类:广告牌 2024-09-21 16:25:43


Why are all Chinese shop signs so ugly?

I can understand what you said about the ugly signboards of Chinese shops. In fact, I have also discovered this problem. Although it cannot be called the signboards of all Chinese shops, there is no way to deny it. The fact is that the signboards of most shops in China are very ugly. Although some of them look very good-looking, there is no way to cover up the overall ugly signboards of the shops. In fact, I discovered a very interesting phenomenon when I went out to play. Hong Kong’s signboards, including some foreign Chinatown shop signs, although they look messy, are very beautiful and very artistic when taking pictures. However, looking at the signboards of some other countries It's not that conspicuous, but it can be seen every time, and there is no sense of disobedience. By comparison, we can find that China’s shop signs are ugly because of the following reasons.

First of all, it is because some domestic departments require that shop signboards must be consistent. This leads to the fact that sometimes when we go out on the street, we often see a large row of various shops with red and white signboards, and even the fonts do not change. Although this is consistent with the requirements of the superiors, it has no sense of beauty at all, which is why the phenomenon of ugly shop signs in Chinese shops appears. After all, one ugly shop may not think it is ugly, but if a whole row of shops do this, it will be ugly. It's memorable. In fact, in this aspect, first of all, we can understand the management needs of the relevant departments, but there is no need to strictly enforce this management to this extent. We can require the size of each company's signboard, but there is no need to even specify the font, background color, and style. Exactly the same. In this case, what are the differences between different shops?

Secondly, domestic shops do not pay attention to the design of signboards. When we casually go shopping on the street, it is easy to find that the impre ssion of design among domestic people is not deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Many shops do not care about the design of their signboards. Many people even think that as long as the font is large enough and the background is brighter, it will attract people. Attention. Although this behavior can also meet the requirements of the sign, such an ugly sign cannot bring a deeper impact. Using such low-level means to attract attention often fails to achieve lasting results. Let's give a random example. On a street with many women's clothing shops, if you want to open a women's clothing store to attract attention, you should Work hard on signboards and store windows. First of all, the name must be novel. Secondly, the signboard and store decoration design must be unique and eye-catching. Even if others don’t want to buy anything, they can still attract curious people to come in and take a look. This is the success of a sign.

In fact, there are many styles of signboards. Shops should not just be limited to that fixed style. Not only is there no way to achieve a brilliant effect, but it may also bring aesthetics. Fatigue, as the sign of a store, the signboard is the most intuitive part of the impact on customers, so more effort should be put into the signboard. Not only should it be eye-catching, but you should also work hard to integrate it with the main business of your store. The signboard can be simple and clear, but it can also be humorous and innovative. In fact, I really like the signboards of the shops in the ancient town, because most of them use wooden signboards full of Chinese style, which not only integrates with the overall style of the town, but also brings a full sense of culture to people. In fact, in the final analysis, the ugly signs of Chinese shops are still due to the fact that shop owners do not pay attention to the sign and cannot bear to spend a lot of money, so most of them choose to deal with it.
