
⓵When will "Three Billboards" be released in China? Will it be re-edited?

"Three Billboards" is jointly produced by Fox Searchlight of the United States and Film4 of the United Kingdom, and is directed by Martin A crime drama directed by Macdonald and co-starring Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson, and Sam Rockwell. The film was released in the United States on November 10, 2017.

The film tells the story of a mother who decided to erect a billboard to confront the local police when her daughter was brutally murdered and justice could not be served [1] .

Chinese name

Three Billboards

Foreign name


Other translations

Accident (Taiwan), Billboard Murder (Hong Kong)

Production Region

United States, United Kingdom

Date of Filming

April 2016


Martin Macdonald


Martin Macdonald< /p>


Graham Broadbent


Crime, Comedy


Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell, Abbie Cornish


115 minutes

Release time

November 10, 2017 (United States), March 2, 2018 (China)

Dialogue language




Main Awards

The 75th American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards [2]
The 74th Venice International Film Festival Best Screenplay Award

⓶A billboard fell and hit a boy in Chengdu, Sichuan. What was the reason for the billboard to fall?

It was truly a disaster. A billboard suddenly fell down on a house in Chengdu, Sichuan, hitting a boy who was over one week old. This news was heartbreaking. The child has already been sent to hospital. Intensive care unit of the hospital, hopefully not life-threatening.

The reason that caused the billboard to fall was that the wood hanging the billboard had aged and become rotten due to time. The fallen billboard was a billboard for a China Telecom business hall. Due to its age, It fell into disrepair and fell down, leading to such a disaster.

A billboard fell and hit a boy in Chengdu, Sichuan

A grandmother in Chengdu, Sichuan, took her one-year-old grandson to an ice cream shop in the community to buy ice cream for her child. On the way there, an accident suddenly occurred. The advertising sign of China Telecom's business hall suddenly fell down and hit a boy over one year old who was walking on the road. The child fell to the ground after being hit. A big lump was smashed out of his head, and his mouth was bleeding. The child was rushed to the hospital for treatment. This incident touched the hearts of many netizens, who all prayed that the child would be safe.

What causes billboards to fall?

The cause of the billboard falling was that the wood hanging the billboard had become rusty and rotten due to disrepair. The staff of the business office have actively dealt with this matter. I hope the child can escape the disaster and recover safely. It is said that the child's life is not in danger for the time being. Of course, close observation still needs to be continued. After all, the child is still young and some internal injuries will not be discovered in a short period of time. Netizens also expre ssed their hope that the telecommunications department would have the courage to take responsibility and properly comfort this innocent child.

Accidents of falling billboards and store signs happen from time to time

Sometimes, accidents inevitably happen suddenly. Because billboards and store signs have been in disrepair for a long time, accidents of falling down and injuring people often occur. Therefore, when you go out, you must be careful. Both adults and children do not walk against the wall. Also, pay more attention to your surroundings and flee as soon as you find something wrong.
