English words on wrapping paper or billboard

一、How do you say white cardboard, white background paper, and gray background white paper in English?

The English word for white cardboard: ivoryboard; the English word for white paper with white background: coatedduplexboardwithwhiteback; the English word for whiteboard with gray background: coatedduplexboardwithgreyback

board is pronounced in French and English [bɔːd ] 美 [bɔrd]

1. n. board of directors; wooden board; deck; meal

2. vt. on board (plane, car, ship, etc.) ; cover with a board; provide accommodation

3. vi. boarding


1. printedcircuitboard printed circuit board

2. boardchairman n. chairman

3. bulletinboard; electronic bulletin board

4. chairmanoftheboard n. chairman; chairman of the board of directors

5 , messageboard message board

Extended information

Vocabulary collocation:

1. advertisingboard billboard

2. chessboard

3. cuttingboard: a chopping board for cutting

4. draftboard draft board

5. Educationboard education board

Word meaning analysis :

Board, batten, plank and plate all mean "board". The difference is:

1. Board is a common word, which generally refers to various wide and thin boards;

2. Batten generally refers to "slats", "layers" and "hangings". "Tile strips" and "pre ss seam strips".

3. Plate refers to "flat plate", "thin plate", "sheet", etc. made of metal, etc. It can also refer to "steel plate". In geographical terms, it refers to the "plate" and "layer" of the land.

4. Plank refers to a relatively thick "board" or "board".
