
⓵Does the elevator advertising fee belong to the owner or the property company?
Does the elevator advertising fee belong to the owner or the property company? The law stipulates as follows:
According to Article 282 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the income generated by the construction unit, property service company or other manager from the owner's common part shall After deducting reasonable costs, it belongs to the owners jointly. Therefore, the residential elevator advertising fees should belong to the owners after deducting relevant costs.
The following are details about elevator advertising fees and the responsibilities of property management companies:
1. About elevator advertising fees
1. Community elevator advertising is A common form of advertising, the income generated should belong to all owners. This is because the elevator is a common area shared by the owners, and the income generated from advertising activities in this area belongs to the common interests of the owners.
2. The property management company can be responsible for collecting elevator advertising revenue, but these revenue should be used for public construction or public expenses in the community. The use of these fees requires the consent of the community owners' committee, and is marked as elevator advertising revenue, and the corresponding income and expenditure details are listed.
2. Responsibilities of the property management company
1. The property management company is responsible for formulating the property management service work plan and organizing its implementation. This includes safety surveys of buildings, facilities and equipment, formulation and implementation of maintenance plans, etc.
2. The property management company should assist in convening the owners' meeting and cooperate with its operation, and disclose service standards, charging basis and standards.
3. All employees of the property management company must dress uniformly, wear photo badges, and hold certificates when working. At the same time, mechanisms and plans for handling various public emergencies must be established to ensure that they can be put into operation at any time when needed.
In short, according to legal provisions, residential elevator advertising fees should belong to the owners after deducting relevant costs. Property companies should fulfill their responsibilities to ensure that the rights and interests of owners are protected. If there are any questions or disputes, owners can safeguard their rights and interests through legal channels.
