Billboards that can be placed at the entrance of the community


Billboards that can be placed at the entrance of the community
1个回答 分类:广告牌 2024-09-21 12:26:38


↓。υ。↓Can a billboard be erected at the entrance of a community?
Yes, it is possible. First, go to the relevant departments (Industrial and Commercial Municipal Management Committee, etc.) to apply, and then talk to the property management of the community (if the land belongs to property management, Go and negotiate the cost of renting or buying out)
∩0∩Can residential buildings in old communities install door billboards?
The exterior walls of the residential buildings in the old community belong to all owners. The owners of the corresponding indoor buildings have the right to use them, but they cannot be used for commercial purposes. Moreover, the installation of billboards requires approval from relevant departments. If you forcibly install door billboards, you may be punished by relevant departments.
