o(╯□╰)oHow to post barbecue opening promotion in WeChat Moments
How to post barbecue opening promotion in Moments

Barbecue opening promotion can be posted in Moments this way. First, the copywriting is simple and straightforward, explaining the barbecue opening and discounts directly. Activities stimulate customer consumption. Secondly, classic advertising words are used to deepen customers’ brand impre ssion. Thirdly, sentence contrasts are encouraging and promotional to guide customers to understand.

How to post barbecue opening promotion photos to Moments

Try to use the food photos in your own store for promotional photos of the new barbecue store opening, add appropriate descriptions, and design the layout of the pictures according to your own positioning of the store. and copywriting to refresh customers’ minds and deepen their impre ssion of the dishes.

Before the opening of the barbecue, you can formulate an attractive slogan or some promotional items, print them on flyers and distribute them, so as to gather popularity for the new store, let customers see the space for saving profits, and stimulate consumption.

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