How to hang a rental billboard on an electric car

本文目录一览I、Why do some Yadi electric vehicles have billboards on the back and some don’t?
This billboard is made by the store. It does not exist before leaving the factory. Some stores only advertise, and some stores do not. This is normal

II、Can the billboard on the back of the electric car be removed?
It can be removed. The billboard is actually of no use and is just installed casually. An electric vehicle is a motor vehicle powered by a battery (battery) and driven by an electric motor (DC, AC, series excitation, separate excitation). In recent years, it has been widely popularized in our country.
The billboard for electric vehicles can be removed because it has no practical use. When using electric vehicles, we need to pay attention to how to care for and maintain them. The battery of an electric vehicle is one of its core components, so the battery's power and charging status need to be checked regularly to ensure its normal use. In addition, you also need to pay attention to the maintenance of electric vehicle tires, braking systems, lights and other components. Only by doing good maintenance and upkeep can the service life of electric vehicles be extended and their safety and reliability improved.

III、Is it illegal to hang a personalized license plate under the license plate?
It is illegal to hang a personalized license plate on a motor vehicle. If it is a motor vehicle hanging a personalized license plate, it will be deducted 12 points, at worst, it may be prosecuted for forging the license plate. Legal Liability; If the license plate frame blocks any part of the number plate, you will also be deducted 12 points for blocking the number plate.
For many car owners, hanging such a number plate may feel particularly attractive; some car owners also use license plate frames with cartoon patterns.
According to regulations, both motor vehicles and electric vehicles must be registered and hung with a uniformly produced special number plate. However, many unregistered electric vehicles still hang temporary advertisements from the factory. Some had self-made license plates such as "Sai 88888", "Sichuan 12345", "Shi 00001", and an electric vehicle had "CCTV News Interview" hanging on it. These vehicles were stopped by the traffic police and their individualized license plates were removed on site. License, criticism and education before release.
Don’t pay attention to individuality when it comes to license plates and license plate frames. "It is not allowed for non-motor vehicles to hang personalized number plates. It is rare for motor vehicles to hang personalized number plates, but it is more common to use personalized license plate frames. If used improperly, it can easily cause trouble to the driver.

It is understood that installing personalized license plates and hanging decorations without permission, causing the license plate number to be unclear, or deliberately covering the license plate number are serious violations of the Road Safety and Traffic Law.
According to the traffic police department, according to the traffic law. The law stipulates that vehicles must strictly abide by traffic regulations when displaying number plates. The basic requirement for the license plate frame is that it cannot block any part of the characters on the license plate (Picture/Text/Photo: Car Selection Brother. )@2019
