Street shop billboard falls

一、Is it okay for street shops to place their own billboards as long as they do not exceed the yellow dividing line?
Street shops are not allowed to put things outside the shop. This is clearly stipulated
But most people put things out after business
In fact, this is is wrong

二、An urban management team member in Suqian went into a store and tore up a merchant’s billboard. How do you evaluate the urban management team?

On August 6, 2022, an incident occurred in Suqian where urban management went to a store and tore down a billboard in the store. During this period, the urban management had a verbal argument with the owner of the store. After a dispute, the boss believed that the urban management’s actions were inconsistent with laws and regulations. According to the laws of our country, the in-store area of ​​a merchant does not fall under the jurisdiction of the urban management office. This approach of the Suqian City Management Office is wrong. After the incident, the relevant government departments in the area also stated that they were conducting a detailed investigation into the incident. The urban management group has always had a bad reputation in our country. They often give people an impre ssion of being too domineering, and many urban management officials will use their powers to satisfy their own selfish desires and fail to truly fulfill their responsibilities and obligations.

I believe that Chinese people often see urban management patrols on the streets in their daily lives. When they find some vendors setting up stalls in violation of regulations on the street, they usually take severe action to drive these vendors away. Therefore, urban management The impre ssion given is very bad. Indeed, a small number of urban management officers in China engage in violent law enforcement. Once such behavior occurs, it will cause an uproar on the Internet. Therefore, over time, people have formed a stereotype of urban management officers.

However, the vast majority of urban management personnel in China are relatively dedicated in their daily work. The reason why people have great pre judice against this group of urban management personnel is mainly because a rat in the urban management management team spoils the whole pot of soup. The phenomenon is too obvious. The urban management officials drive away small vendors who illegally set up stalls on the roadside to pre vent these vendors from causing traffic jams. Moreover, setting up stalls in these places also poses certain safety risks, but they may not be very friendly in terms of law enforcement, so It gives people a feeling that the urban management is inaccessible.

The editor believes that people should also gradually change their discrimination against the urban management group, and the urban management themselves must perform their duties in strict accordance with the legal provisions and not do anything that damages the goodwill of this profession. People should also consciously abide by urban management regulations in their daily lives, thereby reducing the probability of conflicts with urban management.
