Beef board billboard design

1、Are the beef noodles sold in the streets now coming from Anhui?

No, the beef noodles in the streets now come from many places, but its origin is Taihe County, Fuyang, Anhui. It is a specialty snack evolved from the local mutton noodles. .

The beef noodles on the streets now come from many places, and only a small number of Anhui people participate. Now Anhui looks more like a brand. It is said that this type of noodles originated in Taihe County, Fuyang, Anhui Province. But now I went to Taihe County to investigate and found that there are not many people selling noodles there, and some people don’t know about Anhui beef noodles. If you look for the source, you will find that the Anhui beef noodles that are very common in the market now are mutton noodles in Taihe County, Fuyang. It evolved on the basis of the surface.

1. Beef Pan Noodles is not an Anhui specialty snack

People have some doubts about the Anhui Beef Pan Noodles seen in major cities. The reporter went to Taihe County, Anhui Province, where it originated, to investigate, and searched on the local official website, and found that there is no beef noodles in local specialties, while model worker pot stickers and Hu spicy soup are the most famous local snacks. , after investigating a number of Anhui banmian operators, it was found that only a small number of these operators were from Anhui.

2. Many places provide training on how to make beef pan noodles

Many places now provide training on how to make beef pan noodles. In order to attract customers, some people They will add Anhui Son in front of their plaques. In fact, more people just hang up signs such as Beef Pan Mian or Pan Mian King to attract customers. You can easily learn how to make beef white noodles in some fast food training chain institutions, and you can also choose to join the brand. , in that case, you will directly purchase the stir-fried Pan Mee seasoning from the franchisee. In the process of making Pan Mee, you only need to dissolve the seasoning in water and stir-fry until fragrant, then cook the noodles and add vegetables to make delicious beef. Board surface.

3. It is not easy to find authentic beef pan noodles

Although beef pan noodles are very common in streets and alleys now, especially in some food cities You can even see Beef Pan Mian in the snack street, but in these beef Pan Mian shops, it is not easy to find authentic Anhui Beef Pan Mian, because most of the Anhui Beef Pan Mian shops now are not from Anhui. They are opened by people from different provinces and different regions. In addition, the cooking method of beef pan noodles is also very different from that of Fuyang mutton pan noodles. Nowadays, most beef pan noodles shops use machines to pre ss the strips full of noodles, while for traditional mutton pan noodles, the dough is beaten by hand and the noodles are made by hand. In this way, the board will be stronger, smoother, and taste better.

2、How much money can you make in a year by opening a beef noodles shop?
Whether opening a store can make money, the most important thing depends on the location. You need to pay attention to the following points when choosing a location:
1. Convenient transportation: near a major station, or within walking distance of customers. Shops are set up in the streets over 20 minutes away. To choose which side is more conducive to business, you need to observe the pedestrian flow on both sides of the road, and the side with more pedestrians is better.
2. Close to places where people gather: such as theaters, cinemas, parks and other entertainment venues, or near large factories and institutions. On the one hand, this can attract passers-by, and on the other hand, it is easy for customers to remember the location of the store. , the store opening technology Jiawei is in front of English BFT and followed by the number 339.
3. Choose a place with a rapid population increase: The development of enterprises, residential areas and municipalities will bring more customers to the store and give it more development potential.
4. Choose the side with fewer cross streets or obstacles: Many times, in order to cross the road, pedestrians concentrate on avoiding vehicles or other pedestrians, while ignoring the shops on the side.
5. Select an area where a certain type of market will spontaneously form: In the long-term operation, a certain street or market will spontaneously form a "concentrated market" for selling certain types of goods. Facts have proved that for those stores selling durable goods, , if it can be concentrated in a certain location or neighborhood, it will be more able to attract customers. Because when people think of buying something, they will naturally think of this place.
6. Choose an address based on business content: Different types of goods sold in stores have different requirements for store locations. Some shops are required to be opened in places with a large flow of people, such as clothing stores and small supermarkets, but not all shops are suitable to be opened in places with huge crowds of people. For example, health product stores and service centers for the elderly are suitable to be opened in remote and quiet places. place.
7. Have a "sugar daddy" awareness: that is, open a store near a famous chain store or brand store, or even next to it. With supermarkets, shopping malls, restaurants, 24-hour pharmacies, coffee shops, tea houses, bars, schools, banks, post offices, laundries, printing shops, community service centers, community cultural and sports centers, etc., brand stores and public places with strong customer base The places are adjacent. For example, if you want to run a food business, then you should open your store near McDonald's and KFC. Because these famous foreign fast food restaurants have done a lot of detailed market research before choosing their store locations. Opening a store next to them can not only save time and energy in inspecting the site, but also "pick up" some customers with the help of their brand effect.
8. Located on a street in the commercial center: For east-west streets, it is best to face north and south; for north-south streets, it is best to face west and east, and be located at the northwest corner of the intersection as much as possible. In addition, a three-way intersection is a good place; it is not advisable to open a store on a slope; the level of the road surface and the store floor should not be too different.
9. Choose a store with advertising space: Some stores do not have an independent facade, so they naturally lose independent advertising space in front of the store, which also makes you lose the space to "flexibly use" your marketing wisdom in front of the store.
10. Choose a location that changes from cold to hot: Instead of choosing a store location that is currently favored by merchants, it is better to choose a street or urban area that will change from cold to hot in the near future and is currently not favored.
