How do I turn off the billboard timer that is on all day?

⒈Can the timer switch be turned on after the lights are turned off in the shop?
Yes. According to the manufacturer's billboard timer regulations: after the store turns off the lights, the store plaque has a timer switch. After the store plaque is installed, a timer will be installed at the end of the power supply, and the daily measurement time and shutdown time are set on the timer, so that The timer switch time can be set, and the timer switch can be turned on after the shop lights are turned off.

⒉How to adjust the time of the microcomputer timing switch of LED lights on billboards

1. Open or lock the keyboard: Press and hold the "clock key" and the "cancel/resume key" for a few seconds to lock the display Sign "Lock". Press and hold the "clock key" and then pre ss the "day key, hour key, minute key" to adjust Beijing time.

2. Steps to set the switch time:

1. Press the button to set the item 1) Press (Manual), so that the triangle of the display is in the automatic position 2) Press (Settings) to enter the timer on setting (display 1 on) 3) Press (Week). Set the same every day, different every day, the same from Monday to Friday, or the same from Saturday to Sunday 4) Press (hour) (minute) to set the on time 5) Press (set).

2. Enter the timer off setting (displays 1 off) 6) Press (hour) (minute) to set the off time 7) Repeat 2) ~ 6), Set the time for the 2nd to 6th and 2nd to 12th switch. 8) Press (clock) to end time setting * If 6 or 12 switches are not required, pre ss the (clock) key to return to the actual time. *If the setting is wrong or the setting is canceled, pre ss the (Cancel) key, and pre ss it again to restore the original setting. *Displayed when there is no setting (--).

3. Check: Press (Settings) to check whether all set times are correct. Modification: Please pre ss the (Cancel) button at this setting, and then reset the timer switch time and week. End inspection: Press (clock) key to end inspection and setting, and display the clock. Manual control: Press the (manual) button to achieve random on and off or automatic operation.

Extended information

LED (LightEmittingDiode), a light-emitting diode, is a solid-state semiconductor device that can convert electrical energy into visible light. It can directly convert Electricity is converted into light. The heart of the LED is a semiconductor chip. One end of the chip is attached to a bracket, one end is the negative electrode, and the other end is connected to the positive electrode of the power supply, so that the entire chip is encapsulated in epoxy resin.

The semiconductor wafer is composed of two parts. One part is a P-type semiconductor, in which holes dominate, and the other end is an N-type semiconductor, where electrons are mainly pre sent. But when these two semiconductors are connected, a P-N junction is formed between them. When current acts on the wafer through the wire, the electrons will be pushed to the P region, where the electrons will recombine with holes, and then energy will be emitted in the form of photons. This is the principle of LED light emitting. The wavelength of light, that is, the color of light, is determined by the material forming the P-N junction.

(reference: Baidu Encyclopedia LED lights)
