Door and window billboard design renderings

2024-09-21 20:19:22
⒈Should store decoration billboards be hung first or last?
Before opening the store, decoration and billboards can be carried out at the same time.
In the decoration design stage, the store sign must be well designed. Decoration is carried out first, and advertisements saying "Preparations for opening and decoration are in progress, please stay tuned" are hung. When the decoration is almost completed, store signs are installed, trial operation is carried out, and an auspicious day is chosen for opening.
The time from hanging the sign to opening is about two months. If it is too early, customers will turn from expectation to fatigue.
Relevant knowledge:
There are many things to consider in the facade decoration design. The design of the passage must be reasonable, and it cannot be designed to be too narrow in order to place more goods. Design the facade decoration drawing first and modify it according to the actual situation during on-site construction. This can also achieve the final goal. The following editor will introduce to you the facade decoration design requirements and the sequence of facade decoration.
The relationship between wall division and the volume, proportion and facade scale of the building is more appropriate; the combination of various form factors of facade decoration should be focused on the key points, and the master and slave should be clear. The contrast changes are full of rhythm and rhythm.
⒉How to make a lot of money in the door and window business
1. Choose a featured brand to cooperate with
When choosing, it mainly depends on whether the company has featured products and analyzes the prospects in the next 5 to 10 years. Including entrance doors, bedroom doors, balcony doors, partition doors, kitchen and bathroom doors, windows, sun rooms and other products.
To put it simply, customers can buy all the doors and windows they need at one time in one store. It is convenient and fast, and the home decoration style is unified. It also has many benefits for our dealers. It brings together customers with different needs. By concentrating it in our store, the audience will be wider and sales will naturally increase. Moreover, the delivery, installation and after-sales processes are all unified, so we can save a lot of energy and time.
2. Pay attention to the location of the store
Determining the location of the store can be compre hensively considered from aspects such as transportation and population. First of all, if the transportation is convenient, it can ensure a large flow of people, so there is no need to worry about passenger flow. Generally speaking, areas in bustling urban centers or new community business "upstarts" have the advantage of convenient transportation and a large flow of people.
Secondly, you need to have a general understanding of the population structure of the location before determining the location. If the density of surrounding properties is high and they are all well-known developers, it means that the nearby population is large and the income is high, making it worth choosing. In addition, pay attention to changes in local planning to avoid having to relocate midway through opening a store.
3. Create a unique store image
Think about it, customers definitely like to go to a neat and clean store, so the image inside and outside the store is also very important. To ensure that there are no obstacles that pre vent customers from entering the store, the billboards at the entrance should be updated and event posters should be placed in eye-catching locations; the displays inside the store should also fully reflect the product features.
I usually work diligently on store hygiene, and I also put some thought into the design of the store, creating a relatively simple, fashionable, and unique store that makes customers want to come in and take a look when they see it from the outside.
4. Ensure that products are updated in a timely manner
With a variety of products in the store, customers have more room to choose and the chance of choosing is relatively high. Therefore, increasing product types is also an effective way to increase transaction volume. way. In addition, specialty stores should update their products in a timely manner and replenish them in a timely manner when the inventory of goods is insufficient. I have found that under normal circumstances, when new goods arrive at the store, business is obviously better in the first 15 days. In order to give customers a fresh feeling, the product display position can be changed from time to time.
5. Reasonably plan promotional activities
Promotion is a commonly used trick among peers, but from my personal experience, you must pay special attention to the budget and don’t blindly follow the trend. Just follow what other stores are doing. Do. You must make a budget before the promotional activities to ensure that you have sufficient financial support; at the same time, consider the duration of the promotional activities. If it is too short, the information of the activities has not been spre ad out, and the money that should be earned will be wasted; time If it is too long, the cost may be too high, and it may also make customers think that our product is not good, so be careful with it.