Design and installation by Chengdu wall advertising construction team


Design and installation by Chengdu wall advertising construction team
1个回答 分类:墙体广告 2024-09-21 17:19:24


本文目录一览How to reflect the advantages of wall advertising
1. Low cost. Low-cost production and simple process flow.
2. Long-term timeliness. Advertising benefits are generated continuously during the shelf life, while TV and radio advertisements only last for a few seconds;
3. Wide coverage. As long as there is a wall, there will be wall advertising without interference from other factors.
4. Wall advertising is compulsive, proactive and targeted. As long as you are passing by, you will not miss it. However, advertisements on television, radio, newspapers and magazines are passive due to different consumers; they need certain material requirements and specific time limits. The information released by wall advertisements is in line with local market conditions, allowing consumers in the basic market to have a deep understanding of the company's products and services, and fueling the launch of the basic market.
5. Be unique and win over others by painting first. Traditional advertising such as advertisements on television, radio, newspapers and magazines, and outdoor inkjet printing are limited to urban areas. Businessmen rack their brains to come up with ingenious advertising and promotions, but the results are ultimately in vain due to the overwhelming number of urban advertisements.
What is the process of wall advertising production?
Professional companies like Xinmei Advertising generally use the following methods for wall advertising design:
1. The selection of glue materials must be based on the proportion of each color in the entire advertisement, and the operation process is very standardized.
2. After the advertising production is completed, all finished materials must be poured into the finished barrels according to the color. The brushes and rollers must be put into the corresponding barrels according to the colors; the inner and outer covers of each finished barrel must be Keep it covered to avoid waste or accidents caused by spills.
3. All covered buckets must be covered with inner and outer covers while the car is in motion. In the car compartment, raw materials (including light calcium, lithopone, pigments, rubber powder), finished materials (liquid), rollers, brushes, kegs, plates, and construction workers' clothing must be placed in pieces and in an orderly manner. To facilitate construction and avoid unnecessary waste and trouble.
4. When using the plate, three or four people must pre ss it on the unengraved area at the same time.
5. When the printing plate is completed, one end is put down first, and then the other end is slowly put down when someone below takes it.
6. The layout should be cleaned once every two days at most. When cleaning, it is best to soak it in water for 1-2 hours, then rinse it with water, or brush it clean with a brush. When brushing, be careful to protect the layout.
7. If there are any damaged areas in the edition, clean the damaged areas immediately and then glue them up with self-adhesive tape.
8. The plate is damaged in large areas and is difficult to repair. It must be done no less than two days in advance so that the plate can be supplied in time to avoid affecting the progress of the project.
With such standardized operation steps, the wall advertising design produced by Xinmei Advertising is professional enough. The website has a lot of information about wall advertising, which is very useful.

What procedures are required to do wall advertising?
Generally, the following procedures are required to publish wall advertising:
①Copy of business license (stamped with official seal, marked consistent with the original) .
②Production license.
③Trademark registration certificate.
⑤Relevant approval documents for public service advertisements.
⑥Other industries must provide approval documents and relevant certificates from the competent authorities of the industry.
⑦ Relevant certificates must be provided when words such as "first" and "famous" are involved.
