Advertising plaque design colorful

>▽<Door plaque styleDoor plaque style
About the door plaque style, many people still don’t know about the door plaque style. Today I will answer the above questions for you. Now let’s take a look. Look!
1. Common materials and characteristics of door signs: Inkjet door signs. Inkjet door signs are characterized by being cheap, simple and quick to make. In the early advertising signs, they occupied a monopoly position and had their own significant disadvantages. , Inkjet printing fades quickly, and the door head needs to be replaced in about one or two years. Therefore, in the modern advertising sign market, the cost is declining rapidly.
2. 2. LED door signs with luminous characters: The most common form of sign production with the highest market share. Its main features are energy-saving, environmentally friendly, durable and cost-effective.
3. Door design Store sign text design is increasingly valued by business people. Some artistic, three-dimensional and advertising store signs that are composed of slogans, affiliations and numbers are constantly emerging.
4. The following points should be noted in the text design of store signs: (1) The shape, size, convex and concave, color and position of the store name should be considered to facilitate the normal use of the door.
5. (2) The text content must be consistent with the products sold in our store.
6. (3) The text should be as concise as possible, and the content should be profound, smooth, easy to remember and recognize, so that consumers can understand it at a glance.
7. Extended information: Door sign: generally refers to the sign of a shop.
8. According to its materials and characteristics, it is mainly divided into the following categories: Inkjet door head.
9. It is characterized by low price, simple and quick production. The disadvantages are that the inkjet printing fades quickly and has a short lifespan.
10. 2. Luminous character door head.
11. Its main features are energy saving, environmental protection, durability and high cost performance.
12. 3. Neon lights.
13. It is characterized by rich colors, but its disadvantages are that it is too fragile, not durable, not beautiful enough during the day, and suffers from large light attenuation.
14. 4. LED colorful screen.
15. Its characteristic is that it can display pictures, text, videos and other content like ordinary signs during the day, and at night it can display pictures, texts, videos and other contents, and the price is lower than that of LED displays and has high cost performance.
16. 5. Aluminum plastic plate.
17. Its characteristics are moderate price, relatively simple production, and durable color.
18. 6. Glass.
19. It is characterized by beautiful color, smooth appearance and high grade. Its disadvantage is high cost.
20. 7. Light box.
21. Its characteristics are that the colors are bright and eye-catching during the day and at night, do not fade or deform, and are durable.
22. Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Mentou.
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