How to install billboards in shops on the second floor

⑴There are shops on the first to fifth floors. I bought a shop on the second floor, but the urban management does not allow billboards to be installed on the exterior walls. What should I do?
Hello, billboards must be registered.
Your shop is on the second floor and has an exterior corridor. Signs and billboards are not allowed on the exterior walls.

⑵How to hang a billboard on the second floor if the billboard on the first floor occupies the exterior wall of the second floor?
If the billboard on the first floor occupies the exterior wall of the second floor, then the billboard on the second floor can adopt the following two methods Ways to hang:
1. Hang above the second floor window. If there are windows on the second floor, you can hang billboards above the windows. This can avoid direct conflict with the billboards on the first floor and use the location of the windows for advertising display.
2. Cooperate with the billboard on the first floor. If the billboards on the first and second floors belong to different owners or companies, you can try to cooperate with them to jointly plan and promote advertisements to achieve the effect of mutual promotion and mutual promotion. For example, the same brand or the same series of products can be displayed through adjacent billboards, or the same product or service can be displayed simultaneously on billboards on the first and second floors.
The above suggestions are for reference only. If you need more information, it is recommended to consult professionals.
