Where is the world's largest billboard?

本文目录一览壹、What are the best things about Chongqing in the world
1. Chongqing, as the largest mountain city in the world, is famous for its unique geographical features and rich urban landscape.
2. Chongqing, with a population of 38 million, is one of the most populous cities in the world.
3. Chongqing’s motorcycle production scale is the largest in the world, making it the world’s largest motorcycle production base.
4. Fengdu, famous for its mystery and legends, is known as the most famous ghost town in the world.
5. The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River in Chongqing, as the most famous Three Gorges in the world, attracts countless tourists.
6. Xiaozhai Tiankeng, located in Chongqing, is the largest tiankeng in the world and is breathtaking.
7. Chongqing’s urban billboard covers an area of ​​7,000 square meters, making it the largest urban billboard in the world.
8. In Foreigner Street in Chongqing, there is the largest toilet in the world, which can accommodate 2,000 people at the same time.
9. The dinosaur fossil located in Tongnan, Chongqing is one of the largest dinosaur fossils in the world.
10. Chongqing Changshou District has one of the world’s largest natural gas-to-methanol bases and the world’s largest MDI plant.
11. In Qijiang, Chongqing, a 30-meter-long ancient tree fossil was discovered, which is the largest ancient tree fossil in the world.
12. The main span of the Chongqing Shiban Yangtze River Bridge is the longest in the world, demonstrating the outstanding achievements of engineering design.
13. Chongqing’s underground river cracks are considered to be one of the most peculiar geological landscapes in the world due to their unique natural landscape.
14. The new terminal of Chongqing Jiangbei Airport has set three world records for being the tallest or emptyest, demonstrating the advanced level of modern architecture and engineering technology.
15. The Three Gorges resettlement in Chongqing has achieved the best of both worlds. Not only is there a large number of immigrants, but the difficulty of relocation is also the most difficult in the world.
16. Wushan Yangtze River Bridge has set five world firsts, including combined span, rope hoisting weight of each segment, hanging tower distance, arch ring pipe diameter and hoisting height.
17. Chongqing Chaoyang River Tianmen Bridge, with its huge arch bridge scale, is known as the largest arch bridge in the world.
18. Dazu Rock Carvings in Chongqing is one of the largest cliff carvings in the world, demonstrating the outstanding achievements of ancient carving art.
19. With its rich bridge resources, Chongqing is known as the city with the most bridges in the world and enjoys the reputation of the Bridge Capital of China.
20. The world's largest and most luxurious inland river cruise ship manufactured in Chongqing has created many world records and demonstrated the high level of modern ship manufacturing.

1. New York Times Square is located in the center of Manhattan, New York City, USA. It is the headquarters of many large financial, publishing and media companies. The advertising density in this area is extremely high, especially the large LED electronic screens, with the number exceeding 100. The screens must display prominent advertising content as required by planning regulations.
2. Some of the famous billboards in Times Square include wall or rooftop advertisements on American Eagle, Holiday Inn Expre ss, Blue Sky, Disney, ABC Supersign, Reuters Building, Times Tower and Nasdaq Market Center.
3. With the growth of China's economy and the enhancement of corporate global strategic awareness, Chinese brands have begun to place advertisements in Times Square. In recent years, the frequency of advertisements with Chinese elements in Times Square has increased significantly. Chinese companies mainly place advertisements on Times Tower, Nasdaq trading center and Reuters screens.
4. If domestic companies want to place advertisements on the screens in Times Square, they usually do not contact relevant US agencies directly, but operate through domestic media agencies. However, many agencies claim to be exclusive agents for specific screens in China, which is inaccurate. Only a few screens, such as the No. 2 screen in Times Tower rented by Xinhua News Agency and the Sony screen in Building 1, Times Square, rented by an advertising company in Dalian, are specifically targeted at Chinese companies and contracted on a deadline basis. Advertising management for other screens is usually the direct responsibility of the building owner. Different agencies may offer businesses different advertising prices due to different partnerships with media owners.
5. The playback specifications of electronic screen advertisements are usually divided into short-term loop playback (5, 15, 30 seconds) and screen domination buyout for a specific period of time (30 minutes or 1 hour, etc.). Ad prices vary based on play time and total frequency. Please consult our communications consultant for specific prices.

叁、How much does a billboard cost in Times Square, New York now?

The advertising quotation that does not provide foreign media reporting services is only 55 yuan per second.

New York Times Square is a bustling neighborhood in Manhattan, New York City, United States, where large financial, publishing and media companies have their headquarters. Because this is the only area in the city where owners are required by planning ordinance to hang bright promotional advertisements, all kinds of advertising (including electronic screens, inkjet cloth, etc.) are very dense. Just one large LED electronic display has 100 of them. With the development of the domestic economy, the strategic awareness of Chinese corporate brands in the world continues to increase, and the tentacles of publicity have gradually extended to Times Square, which has multiple news media headquarters. In recent years, the frequency of Chinese elements appearing on the big screen in Times Square has increased. high. At pre sent, the screens launched by Chinese brand advertisers are mainly diagonal curved electronic screens in Times Tower, Nasdaq Trading Center and Reuters.

There are dozens of advertising screens at the crossroads of the world, the most famous of which is the Nasdaq Big Screen. The dream of countless people is to have their image appear on a screen in Times Square. As early as 1906, Wrigley's chewing gum became famous with a huge advertisement in Times Square. As the strength of Chinese enterprises gradually increases, more and more domestic enterprises have begun to shine in Times Square, New York. How much does advertising cost in Times Square, New York? It is understood that according to the quotation of a domestic media company, the cheapest picture transmission price is 7,000 yuan/day/20 times, 5 seconds each time, which is only equivalent to 70 yuan per second; video is 62,000 yuan/day/40 times, each time 30 seconds, only 51.6 yuan per second.

According to the AIFinance report, after comparing the quotations of two domestic advertisers, it was found that the advertising quotation that does not provide foreign media reporting services is only 55 yuan/second, which is more than 400 yuan/second. The special reporting service quoted by several European and American media outlets is 1,380 yuan per second, a difference of more than 20 times. The daily cost of a large screen on the Bund in Shanghai is nearly 400,000 yuan, and the daily cost of a large screen advertisement in Times Square in New York is only 10% to 25%. For them who want to become a global brand, the comparative value of the broadcast platform is self-evident. Therefore, Times Square advertising in New York is not as expensive as one might think and is more cost-effective.
