Small text in the lower right corner of the billboard

1、Does an advertising company make a door title without any words on it?
An advertising company makes a door title without any words on it. The main reason why small letters are not allowed on billboards is that it violates the purpose of advertising. In fact, the purpose of the advertisement is to spre ad the word so that everyone understands the meaning of the advertisement, rather than Nian Wu using small print to confuse He Dong. Avoid your responsibilities. Some of them are marked in big letters or on billboards. Used to catch people's attention. But the small words next to it are traps and require your attention.

What are the small characters next to 2、Charming Xiangxi?
Hello friends
These small words are a warm welcome
Because this billboard is relatively small, the words are also smaller
< br/>That was a sign pointing to six in the past
