Why are there no billboards next to the highway?

本文目录一览I、What are the regulations for the installation of billboards on both sides of the road?

The installation of billboards on both sides of the road has the following regulations: Article 56 of the "Highway Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that except for highway protection and maintenance needs, building control on both sides of the highway is prohibited. Construct buildings and ground structures within the area. Highway advertising facilities are ground structures and are prohibited from construction by law. Those who hold this view believe that some local regulations have permissive provisions that allow billboards to be installed in building control areas with permission, which conflicts with higher-level laws and is illegal. Article 54 of the Highway Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that no unit or individual may set up signs other than highway signs within the scope of highway land without the approval of the transportation department of the local people's government at or above the county level. According to this regulation, non-highway signs can be set up within the scope of highway land with the approval of the transportation department of the local people's government at or above the county level. Facilities such as billboards are off-highway signs and can be installed with permission. This can maximize the social and economic benefits of the expre ssway. The "Highway Law of the People's Republic of China" prohibits the construction of buildings and structures in construction control areas, mainly to reduce the impact of the surrounding environment on highway vehicle traffic. If buildings and structures are allowed to be built, it will have a negative impact on the personal health and safety of people engaged in production or life in the buildings and structures, as well as the normal driving of vehicles on the highway. Advertising facilities, like signboards, will not have much impact. It is in line with the original intention of the legislation to equate advertising facilities with signboards. Article 11 of the "Regulations on Highway Safety Protection" The local people's governments at or above the county level shall organize the transportation, land and resources and other departments to delimit the scope of highway construction control areas based on the principles of ensuring the safety of highway operations and saving land and the needs of highway development. The scope of the highway construction control area, the standard distance outward from the outer edge of the highway land is: if it belongs to a highway, the distance standard outward from the outer edge of the highway land is not less than 30 meters.

II、Can highway billboards be built by private individuals? What procedures are required
According to relevant national laws and regulations: it is prohibited to set up non-highway traffic signs on highways. If it is really necessary to set up other signs (boards) other than road traffic signs within the scope of highway land, such as billboards, store nameplates, publicity signs, etc., they must be reviewed and approved by the provincial highway management agency or its authorized unit before they can be set up. Therefore, advertising on highways must be approved by the provincial or provincial municipal transportation department and managed by the road law enforcement brigade of the local transportation department. (Note: The highway land range starts 40 meters from the guardrail) If it is more than 40 meters away from the highway, you only need to fill in the information at the advertising office of the local industrial and commercial bureau and apply for approval. The highway administration management of the highway bureau also needs to be registered

III、About the pillar billboards next to the highway
If it is close to the highway, it needs to be approved by the highway management department. If it is in the highway construction control zone, it is prohibited to build off-highway signs. It is recommended to consult the local highway management department.
Hope the answer is accepted.
