Is elevator advertising centralized advertising?

(=`′=)How does Focus Media ensure that all the elevator ads I submit are in place?
With the prosperity and development of social media, information has further exploded and fragmented. There are very few centralized media that can explode quickly in a short period of time. Elevator Media relies on its high frequency, low interference, and must-have popularity among mainstream people. With several major features, it has won the favor of major brand owners. As major brands are flocking to elevator media, how to better match elevator advertising and elevator media, improve brand communication effects, and truly achieve "unity of product and effect" and "unity of product and sales"!
Peng Xiaodong: 21 practical tips for effective advertising in elevators that even Focus Media is using
Peng Xiaodong: 21 practical tips for effective advertising in elevators that even Focus Media is using
/>Member of the Academic Committee of the China Advertising Association, Distinguished Outdoor Advertising Marketing Lecturer of the Outdoor Advertising Branch of the China Advertising Association, Lifelong Consultant of CCTV's "Big Country Brands", President of the China Advertising Media Marketing Research Institute, founder of Media Without Borders, Marketing Power, etc., global The Chinese pre sident has excellent marketing power and is the first person in China's advertising media training. He is the founder and chief coach of brand competitiveness and the art of cutting leadership. He is the chief coach of the special forces to build China's actual wolf advertising sales champion. Instructor Peng Xiaodong often talks to everyone in his class. Share: Many brand owners have limited advertising fees in the initial or sprint stages and want to cover the whole country, so they choose the even distribution method. As a result, after the advertisement was released, people began to complain that it was not effective. In fact, this kind of advertising was equivalent to dismantling the power of the bomb into individual bullets, and its power was of course limited. It is better to tell an advertising message to 1 million people once than to tell it to 100,000 people 10 times. Consumers are exposed to too much information every day and remember too little, so it is necessary to focus on groups and areas. For example, this year's popular Fried Chicken Laoxiang Chicken, combined with online public relations and offline elevator media detonation focusing on Anhui, Nanjing, and Wuhan, is a good example. Elevator media has ushered in its moment of glory, but elevator advertising should not be "arrogant and arrogant", but needs to have a clear positioning, output core information, and use creativity to ultimately win consumer choice. Media + advertising itself should be a combination of 1+1>2. Never let it become 1+1<2 because of advertising.
How can we make elevator advertisements more effective? This is a job with technical, artistic, scientific processes and systems, and the most important thing is professionalism! Don’t waste every advertising space. There is no bad media, only unsuitable media. Advertising is an investment! Every advertising space should have its own private thoughts (thoughts); Teacher Peng Xiaodong often says that advertising effect = advertiser (product, price, model, style, quality, team, channel, marketing, and most importantly: advertising budget) + Advertising company (creativity, planning, copywriting, design, production I the most important thing is: super symbol LOGOI logo + super right to speak I advertising keyword) + media (publish on time, quality and quantity, the picture is quiet and tidy, the most important thing is: media strategy);

(#`′)凸Does community elevator advertising have advantages for future development?
Because community elevator advertising covers a wide range of people and is highly friendly, what are the specific advantages of community elevator advertising?
1. Wide coverage and rich advertising resources
The choice of community publicity locations is diverse. In addition to community street debate roads, community main roads, community activity centers, and community squares , unit building entrances and indoor elevators are places where community residents pass and stay every day. These places can be used as publicity locations for community media, covering a wide range of areas from outdoors to indoors. In terms of promotion area, it covers various community types, including office buildings, villas, apartments, ordinary residential areas, scientific research institutes, etc. in large and medium-sized cities. The promotion area is wide and the advertising resources are rich.
2. Close contact with consumers
In addition to community streets, community gates, community main roads, community activity centers, community squares, unit building entrances, and community elevators are important components of the community. These are places where residents pass by and stay every day, so the media set up in these locations make it impossible for the target audience to avoid them, truly achieving zero distance contact with consumers.
3. Accurately target communication targets
In any city, different communities can be divided into high-end and medium-low-end communities according to their residents and public facilities and equipment. The residents of each community The consumption power and characteristics are different.
4. Community advertising is highly friendly and has a better subtle effect
From a psychological and sociological perspective, people have a psychology of belonging to a group and value family ties and family. Chinese people have a stronger sense of belonging to home.
5. Large flow of people
Community residents who have consumption in common in many aspects enter and exit the community more than twice a day on average.
6. Low cost advantage
The average daily investment in advertising space on community environmental protection bulletin boards is less than ten yuan, which is the lowest cost per thousand people among ordinary outdoor advertising media. , enterprises can complete the longest advertising cycle at a lower cost.
7. Compre hensive terminal network coverage, terminal transmission, continuous penetration
Places where community residents pass and stay every day, any possible group activities and places in the community, Compre hensive community advertising coverage in these places, terminal communication lasts for a long time, and good publicity effects are achieved during the continuous penetration process.
8. Diversified promotion methods and strong anti-interference
Diversified forms of community advertising can be used through elevator frames, light boxes, gates, DM, direct investment, ground Promote through different promotion methods such as push, and these promotion methods are more interactive.
9. Strong targeting and high audience quality
Community advertising can be selected according to different product audiences, with stronger targeting and strong targeted promotion effects. The more attractive the Wu shirt is, the higher the quality of the target audience will be.
10. Strong flexibility
The form and delivery method of community advertising are more flexible than traditional media advertising. It can be replaced at any time according to market changes, so that advertising information can be quickly transmitted to consumers.
11. Make up for the deficiencies in the media mix
The purpose of advertising is not only to arouse attention, but also to provide constant reminders.
The above are about the advantages of community elevator advertising
