Latest regulations on advertising plaques

一、Are there any regulations for shop door billboards?

Legal analysis: 1. Follow the principles of flush top and bottom, connected left and right, consistent thickness, and matching lighting; 2. Parallel style The protruding distance of the signboard from the wall shall not exceed 0.5 meters, and it shall be coordinated with the building and obey the shape and landscape of the building; 3. It shall not block the lighting of the building or residents' daily life, and the signboards and plaques at the door shall be lower than the balcony upstairs ( Window) lower eaves are 10 cm, and the lower eaves are flush with the bottom of the rolling shutter door box.

Legal basis: "Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China"

Article 1 is to regulate advertising activities, protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, promote the healthy development of the advertising industry, and maintain social and economic order. , enact this law.

Article 2 Within the territory of the People's Republic of China, this law shall apply to commercial advertising activities in which commodity dealers or service providers directly or indirectly introduce the goods or services they promote through certain media and forms.

Article 3 Advertisements should be true and legal, expre ss advertising content in a healthy form, and comply with the requirements of building socialist spiritual civilization and promoting the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation.
