My neighbor's billboard is fixed to my wall

作者:曾仲桀 | 发布日期:2024-09-23 18:13:20

一、What should I do if the billboard is installed on the exterior wall of my house?
If it affects your ventilation and lighting, you can discuss with them first and ask them to remove it, if they don't agree. You can just guess and sue them for compensation! The law protects property owners from ventilation and lighting. Even if the billboard set up by Sui Han and others is approved, it will not affect the ventilation and lighting of the owners! You need to understand the size requirements of local billboards.
二、What should I do if the billboard is installed on the exterior wall of my home?
1. If the billboard installed on the exterior wall of your home affects your ventilation and lighting, you should first contact all the billboards. Negotiations were held with people asking them to remove or reposition the billboards.
2. If the other party does not agree to remove the billboard, you may consider seeking legal means to resolve the problem. According to relevant laws and regulations, the owners' rights to ventilation and lighting are protected. Even if the billboard has been approved, it cannot infringe on these rights of the owners.
3. Before taking legal action, you need to understand the local regulations on the size and dimensions of billboards, which will help you provide the necessary evidence in legal proceedings.