How to make three billboards for 100 yuan

⒈How to make handmade billboards
Question 1: How to make advertising paper. If it is a posted poster, you can actually draw and write it yourself without using a computer

It is also economical and can be updated frequently
You can also add and change content in real time
You only need to:
1. Buy pencils, erasers, and markers. (Various colors)
2. Find a large piece of white paper (kraft paper is also acceptable)
3. Pencil draft
4. Color
Then you can paste it Out!
I am from Ordos Jiuying Media. If you have any difficulties, just ask me directly
Question 2: How to advertise handicrafts? Do you want to do it or find an agent?

Question 3: How to write an advertisement for purely handmade incense. In this accelerating mechanical era, have you found that some handmade products in the past have become farther and farther away from us and have been replaced by various industrial products. Have you ever thought about the story inside a small piece of handmade soap and how many people look forward to it? You might as well stop in front of the mirror every morning and think about your own direction in the light fragrance of the soap

Question 4: About handmade simple slogans, creativity changes life and shapes life by hand
Question 5: How to make a printed (screen printing) banner for an advertising company in an ordinary small advertising studio Everyone accepts this job, and the price is roughly 8 yuan per meter. If you negotiate directly at a small handicraft workshop on the road without second-hand experience, the price will be around 5 yuan per meter. It’s up to you to decide how much you quote to Kehai. La
Question 6: How to design a hand-woven rope billboard at the night market. Materials required for a braided rope braided bracelet: Colored braided rope. Specific steps: 1. Use 4 lines, place them side by side, and fix one end. 2. Place the two middle lines on both sides. 3. Use the left and right threads and pinch a sleeve, and insert the right sleeve into the left sleeve. 4. Tighten the left condom, pull up the other thread on the left, pinch a condom, and insert it into the right condom. 5. Tighten the right condom, pull up the other thread on the right, pinch a condom, and insert it into the left condom. 6. Tighten the left cuff, change the thread on the left, pinch the cuff, and insert the right cuff. Note that the replaced thread must pre ss the replaced thread. 7. Tighten the right glove, change the thread on the right side, pinch the glove, and insert the left glove. 8. Tighten the left sheath, change the thread on the left, pinch the sheath, and insert the right sheath. 9. Tighten the right sleeve, change the thread on the right side, pinch the sleeve, and enter the left sleeve. 10. Repeat steps 8-9 until you reach the desired length. 11. Finally, the single thread on one side is closed and the condom on the other side is closed
Question 7: Can I ask those advertisements about whether you can get handiwork done at home if you do it at home? True or false? This is fake, don’t believe it. They will first ask you to pay the material fee. And told you that it can be returned to you when it is done. But no matter what you do, they will say you are unqualified and ask you to go back and do it again. At this time, your patience with Yun Chen will be gone, and many people will choose me not to do it. Then the money paid is wasted. However, there are some brands that order beads for real, but the profit is very thin
Question 8: How to make a small box with advertising paper as a simple handicraft 1. First pre pare a square piece of paper. 2. Fold both pairs of opposite corners in half. 3. Open one corner, and then fold it down from the middle to get the square on the right in the picture. 4. Make the back side in the same way, and you will get a square shape on both sides. 5. Fold the left and right corners of one side to the middle. Note that in this tutorial, the opening of the origami model is always facing upwards. 6. Fold the back in the same way. 7. Fold the corner to the middle and then fold it to the folded edges on both sides, just like in the picture. 8. Then, unfold the folded part in the pre vious step, and then fold it down from the middle to get the effect in the picture. Repeat steps 7-8 on the back as well. 9. Fold both front and back sides in half, exposing the side that was originally folded in the middle. 10. Fold the two sides toward the middle. The crease is the one left when folding before. The back is also folded. 11. Fold the upper triangle downwards, and the corners of the remaining three sides also fold downwards. 12. Fold the upper edge downward. You can control the degree of folding by yourself. 13. In order to keep the bottom stable when it is opened, you can fold the lower triangle upward to make it easier to show the edges of the bottom. 14. Open the origami model from the opening and smooth the bottom. 15. This origami small box is now completed. It is very beautiful and practical~~
Question 9: How much does it cost to make an aluminum veneer billboard by hand? More than 100

⒉Make door billboards. How much does it cost per square meter

This depends on personal requirements, and it can cost tens of thousands for a smile. It costs several thousand to make an ordinary one.

Common materials and characteristics of door signs are as follows:

1. Inkjet door signs.

Its features are cheap, simple and quick to make, but the disadvantages are that the inkjet print fades quickly and has a short lifespan.

2. Luminous character door head.

The main features are energy saving, environmental protection, durability and high cost performance.

3. Neon lights.

It is characterized by rich colors, but its disadvantages are that it is too fragile, not durable, not beautiful enough during the day, and suffers from large light attenuation.

4. LED colorful screen.

Its characteristic is that it can display pictures, text, videos and other content during the day just like an ordinary signboard at night, and its price is lower than that of LED displays and it is highly cost-effective.

5. Aluminum-plastic panels.

It is characterized by its affordable price, relatively simple production, and durable color.

6. Glass.

It is characterized by beautiful color, smooth appearance and high grade. The disadvantage is high cost.

7. Light box.

Its characteristics are that the colors are bright and eye-catching during the day and at night, do not fade or deform, and are durable.

Extended information:

The types of billboards are as follows:

1. Street sign advertising

Street sign advertising is mainly set up in downtown areas. The better the location, the more pedestrians there will be, so the effect of the advertising will be stronger. Therefore, the specific environment of street signs is the road, and its objects are pedestrians in motion. Therefore, street sign images mostly appear in the form of pictures and texts. The images are eye-catching and the text is concise, making it easy for people to understand at a glance, and it has a visual effect of capturing impre ssions quickly.

It has a strong three-dimensional effect, reproduces the charm of the product, is most effective in establishing the urban image of the product (brand), and is easy to post and replace. The material used is light cloth, which has functions such as waterproof and sun protection.

2. Neon signboards

Neon lights originated in France. The diameter of the lamp body glass tube used at that time was 45 mm. The glass tube was first bent into the required characters or patterns, and then a transformer with a voltage of more than 10,000 volts was used to supply power to make it glow. Neon lights are the beautician of the city. Whenever night falls and the lights first come on, the colorful neon lights make the city extraordinarily beautiful. They are generally installed in bustling downtown areas to promote advertisements and embellish the beautification of the city.

3. Large light boxes

Placed in advertising locations such as exterior walls, roofs or podiums of buildings, they serve as colorful billboards during the day and become "internal lighting" when lit at night. lightbox ads. Light box advertising lighting effects are better, but maintenance is more difficult than spotlight billboards, and the lamps used are more susceptible to wear and tear.

4. High-speed anti-aircraft gun billboards

High-speed anti-aircraft gun billboards are an advertising medium that targets mobile audiences. They are mostly placed on both sides of the highway. Show signs to passengers and drivers. The material used is light cloth, which has functions such as waterproof and sun protection.

5. Bus stop shelter advertisements

When people wait for the bus, pass through the platform passage, and drive, they will naturally be attracted by the various advertising contents on the platform because they have free time. Be attracted to things that may be of interest at other times and other places. Therefore, compared with other outdoor advertising, it has higher attention and naturally has a higher recall rate. Bus stop shelter advertisements are mostly used in bus stop materials for advertising effects such as light box cloth, digital silk screen printing, and light sheets.

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia-Billboard
