Tutorial on how to stop all advertising lights from lighting up


Tutorial on how to stop all advertising lights from lighting up
1个回答 分类:广告灯 2024-09-21 07:59:41


本文目录一览⓵What is the reason why the advertising lights do not light up?
1. All the lights in the luminous characters on outdoor advertising signs do not light up: because the circuit of the LED light source is blocked and the transformer is burned out. At this time, the LED must be checked first Check whether the light source circuit and transformer are connected correctly, or there is a weak solder in a certain wire port. 2. The luminous characters on outdoor advertising signs light up for a flash and then go out during operation: This must be a transformer failure, and the wrong wiring connection has burned out the LED lights.
⓶Why does the door sign light not light up?
First of all, there must be power. After power is turned on, if everything does not light up, it may be that the transformer of the power supply is broken. If some part does not light up, it may be that the diode is broken. Got it!
You should ask the person who made the billboard for you for this kind of problem!
But there is a warranty period, ranging from 6 months to 1 year
⓷Tutorial on how to fix a LED bulb that is not lighting up
LED bulbs that are not lighting up may be caused by many reasons. Below I will guide you through several steps to diagnose and repair.
First, we need to check whether the power supply is normal. You can try screwing the LED bulb into a socket that is known to work properly, or screwing another bulb that is known to work properly into the socket that you suspect is problematic. This can quickly determine whether the problem is with the bulb itself or the power supply.
If the power supply is normal, then we need to check the LED bulb itself. LED bulbs are composed of drive circuits and LED chips. Failure of any one part may cause the bulb to not light up. Since LED bulbs are usually sealed and we cannot directly access the internal circuitry, this step may require some professional tools and techniques. If you do not meet the relevant qualifications, it is recommended to seek professional help.
If you are sure that the problem is with the LED bulb, and you have the ability to perform further operations, then you can try to open the bulb (pay attention to safety, do not damage the bulb or hurt yourself) and check the internal driving circuit and whether there is obvious damage to the LED chip. If you find damaged parts, you may need to replace them to repair the bulb.
In general, fixing the problem of LED bulbs not lighting up may require some electronic knowledge and skills. If you're not sure how to proceed, or you don't have the qualifications, it's recommended that you purchase a new LED bulb to replace the damaged one, or seek professional help. During operation, be sure to pay attention to safety and do not come into contact with circuits or high-temperature components to avoid injury.
Please note that the above steps and pre cautions are for reference only, and the specific operations may vary depending on the model and brand of LED bulbs. Before performing any maintenance operations, be sure to read and understand the instructions for use and safety warnings of the relevant product.
