
⒈Introduction to LED light string production methods and techniques and technical principles

On some outdoor billboards or signs, we often find them dotted with many LED light strings, and the light strings are rich in color , can have unpre dictable effects according to different times, so as to achieve the advantages of both beauty and practicality. So about this type of LED light string, is there anything special about it compared with ordinary lighting products? What are the specific production methods? Interested friends can refer to the following to learn about the production methods and techniques of LED light strings. In addition, there is also popular information on technical principles.


1. Principle of LED light string technology

There is an integrated chip oscillation circuit inside the light-emitting diode, and its appearance is the same as that of ordinary LED lights. There is no difference between LEDs. Just connect the power supply and the two colors will light up in turn, changing every second. I bought a 5MM red and blue self-flash. From the outside, it looks like a series connection, but it is not necessarily a series connection< /p>


LED string lights:

Light-emitting diodes are referred to as LEDs. Made of compounds containing gallium (Ga), arsenic (As), phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), etc.

When electrons and holes recombine, they can radiate visible light and can therefore be used to make light-emitting diodes. Used as indicator lights in circuits and instruments, or formed into text or digital displays. Gallium arsenide diodes emit red light, gallium phosphide diodes emit green light, silicon carbide diodes emit yellow light, and gallium nitride diodes emit blue light. Due to their chemical properties, they are divided into organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) and inorganic light-emitting diodes (LED).


2. LED light string production methods and techniques:

LED light strings must be made correctly. Negative pole to ensure correct connection. It is made from monochromatic string lights.

1. The production of single-color light strings includes the plug-in and wiring of single-color light strings. The plug-in and wiring of single-color light strings are very simple. When inserting, insert the light string into the corresponding The holes are sufficient. When wiring, they must be connected in a certain order. At the same time, pay attention to the positive and negative poles of all the light strings and ensure that they are as close together as possible. Connect the positive poles together to draw out the positive wire. Similarly, connect the negative poles together to draw out the negative wire.

2. LED light string wiring must be tested. All light strings must be lit, and various connections must be tied up to keep them fixed. Then, the wiring parts must be covered with waterproof glue. In this way, the LED The production of the light string is completed.


The above examples are popular information on the production methods, attention skills and technical principles of LED light strings, from which we can learn about these products Mainly used in some advertising fields, such as outdoor billboards or some business signs, often use colorful LED string lights. In addition, in some festivals, they can also achieve a beautiful decorative effect. And going one step further, you can find that it is relatively simple to make LED light strings manually. As long as you master the principles and understand the relevant techniques and steps, you will achieve satisfactory results.

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⒉The picture below is the output main circuit part of the LED billboard switching power supply. I don't understand. What is the use of diode D1? Please give me some advice if you know! ! Thank you
Diode D1 plays a reverse blocking role in the output main line of the LED billboard switching power supply.
LED billboards are usually powered by DC power, so AC power needs to be converted into DC power. Switching power supplies typically use a rectifier to convert alternating current to direct current. At the output end, in order to pre vent the DC power from flowing back to the AC power side, a diode D1 is used to achieve reverse blocking.
When the input power supply is working normally, diode D1 is in a forward conducting state, and current can flow from the switching power supply to the LED light. When the input power fails or is disconnected, the reverse voltage will cause the diode D1 to be reverse biased, making it in a reverse cut-off state. This pre vents current from returning from the LED light to the input power supply, protecting the normal operation of the power supply and LED light.
Therefore, diode D1 plays the role of a protection circuit in the output main line part of the LED billboard switching power supply.
