Protective measures for billboards during typhoon weather

一、Safety measures to pre vent typhoons

Safety measures to pre vent typhoons:

1. Properly dispose and clean flower pots and debris on the windowsill that are easily blown off by strong winds.

2. Close the doors and windows tightly. To pre vent the window glass from being shattered by strong winds and injuring people, you can stick a film on the window glass or use tape or paper strips to make a "rice" shape.

3. Check whether the circuit, stove, gas and other facilities are safe, cut off the power supply and gas.

4. Prepare flashlights, candles and other lighting tools in advance, and stock up on drinking water, food, medicine and related daily necessities to avoid panic buying after water and power outages.

5. Stay away from dangerous buildings, telephone poles, billboards, scaffolding, trees, towers and other places that are prone to collapse.

6. When you have to walk outdoors, bend down and walk slowly in an open area so that you can see the road; when you are on a narrow bridge or high place, crawl forward; stop at corners.

7. Do not force your way through flooded areas, as there may be a risk of falling into a pit. If there are electric wires hanging down near standing water, the person falling into the water may be electrified.

8. Stay away from the water bank. You cannot go to the beach to swim or watch the tide. At this time, it is even more unsafe to sail out to sea.
