The city management doesn't care how much the billboard at the store entrance exceeds

⓵Urban management regulations on door signboards

Legal analysis: (1) Setup of door signboards:

1. Zunxun is flush up and down, connected to the left and right, and thick The principle of consistency and lighting matching;

2. The protruding distance of parallel signboards from the wall shall not exceed 0.5 meters, and should be coordinated with the building and obey the shape and landscape of the building;

3. Do not block the lighting of the building or residents' daily life. When installing door signs and plaques, they should be 10 cm lower than the lower eaves of the upstairs balcony (window), and the lower eaves should be flush with the bottom of the rolling shutter door box.

(2) The top of signboards, neon lights, and light boxes that are perpendicular to the building's exterior wall must not exceed the height of the building's cornice, and the bottom height from the ground must not be less than 3 meters. The maximum distance between the outer edge of the signboard and the building's exterior wall It shall not exceed 1.5 meters, and its bracket must be concealed.

(3) The height from the lower edge of the billboard suspended in the air to the ground shall be no less than 5 meters above the roadway and no less than 2.5 meters above the sidewalk. No billboards shall be placed on the sidewalk. on, affecting pedestrian traffic.

(4) The height of billboards installed on the separation fence shall not exceed the upper edge of the separation fence;

(5) Billboards and placards installed on both sides of the road They must be on the outside of the sidewalk, and signs and light boxes must not exceed the outside of the slow lane, and those without slow lanes must not exceed the inside of the sidewalk;

(6) All outdoor advertisements must be equipped with lighting facilities;

(7) Damaged or incomplete billboards and neon lights must be repaired in time;

(8) If outdoor advertisements are set up and released after approval, the setting up and publishing units must follow the approved items, content, and form etc., and the setup will be completed within the specified time limit.

The name of the setting unit must be clearly marked on the outdoor advertisements (except neon lights).

4. All kinds of outdoor advertisements, promotional materials and night view lighting facilities must be made of high-quality materials and installed firmly to ensure that there are no safety hazards.

If advertisements, promotional materials and night view lighting facilities collapse or fall off, causing personal injury, death or property loss to others, the installer shall bear corresponding legal liability.

Legal basis: "Urban Management Law Enforcement Measures"

Article 1 is to standardize urban management law enforcement, improve law enforcement and service levels, maintain urban management order, and protect citizens, legal persons and others These measures are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Punishment Law, the Administrative Enforcement Law and other laws and regulations to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the organization.

Article 2 These Measures shall apply to urban management law enforcement activities and law enforcement supervision activities within the built-up area of ​​the town where the city and county people’s government is located.

The term "urban management law enforcement" as mentioned in these Measures refers to the behavior of the urban management law enforcement authorities in performing administrative punishment, administrative enforcement and other administrative law enforcement duties in the field of urban management in accordance with the provisions of laws, regulations and rules.

Article 3 Urban management and law enforcement should follow the principles of people-oriented, law-based governance, source governance, consistent rights and responsibilities, coordination and innovation, and adhere to strict standards, fair and civilized law enforcement.

Article 4 The housing and urban-rural development department of the State Council is responsible for the guidance, supervision and coordination of urban management and law enforcement nationwide.
