What's wrong with the LED light box billboard that doesn't light up?

本文目录一览1、Why does the LED light box not light up?

There are many reasons why the LED light box does not light up. The inspection can start from the following aspects:

Power input terminal. Check the power plug and power cord of the light box to see if they are loose, oxidized or have poor contact.

LED lamp bead failure. Open the light box and check whether there is water in the light box, whether there are rusty open circuits on the LED lamp feet, etc.

The LED light box controller is faulty. Replace the controller with the same model for testing.

There is a short circuit inside the light box (because some light boxes are floor-standing, users often move them or are hit by objects, causing the light box to deform, or the aluminum-plastic plate and the lamp beads are connected to cause a short circuit). Check the light box to see if there is a short circuit where the lamp beads are in contact with the aluminum-plastic plate. You can use a multimeter to measure it.

2、Half of a word in the LED light box does not light up, what should I do?
LED light boxes are generally composed of words and marquees on the frame. The reasons for not lighting up:
1. The power supply is not connected properly; 2. The controller does not close the switch; 3. The power supply voltage Not enough; 4. There is a short circuit problem in the resistor; 5. There is leakage in the line. 6. If one of the characters or a group of colors in the running edge does not light up, it may be that the thyristor driving that path is damaged. It is more likely that one or more LED light-emitting tubes in the LED string in the character are damaged. , the reason for the damage is that the current drawn by the LED is too large, generally cannot exceed 15mA.7. If all the lights are off, the internal controller may be damaged.
If the LED light box does not emit light caused by the above reasons, we need to solve them one by one, check whether the power supply is connected accurately, check whether the switch controller is closed, test whether the power supply voltage is sufficient and stable, inspect the resistance circuit problem, and use a test pen Check the circuit for leakage.

3、Half of a word in the billboard light box is on and half is off
This may be due to the following reasons.
1. The power supply is not connected properly;
2. The controller does not close the switch;
3. The power supply voltage is not enough;
4. The resistor has a short circuit problem;
5. There is leakage in the line;
6. If one of the characters or a group of colors in the running edge does not light up, it may be that the thyristor driving that path is damaged. It is more likely that there are one or more LEDs in the LED string in the character. The light-emitting tube is damaged. The reason for the damage is that the current drawn by the LED is too large, which generally cannot exceed 15mA.
7. If all the lights are off, the internal controller may be damaged.
Extended information
1. Light box advertising is also known as "light box poster" or "night poster". Light box advertising for outdoor use is distributed on both sides of roads and streets, as well as in public places such as movie theaters, exhibitions, commercial districts, stations, airports, docks, and parks. Abroad it is called "semi-permanent" street art. The new type of flexible light box changes the traditional light box, which has poor daytime effect and lacks the shortcomings of monotonous images and text glyphs, with its lifelike images. It displays rich fonts and displays a unique decorative effect with bright colors and strong textures no matter day or night. With the production technology, materials and processes of flexible light boxes, not only can a giant light box covering the entire wall be made and integrated with the building, but it can also be made into a physical model, which will not discolor for several years, is easy to transport, install, and not easy to wear and tear. Flame retardant. Widely used in banks, supermarkets, fast food restaurants, gas stations, etc., it has become a new form of store facade decoration.
Outdoor light box advertising is different from other types of advertising. Its characteristics are as follows:
2. Large screen. Many print advertising media are used for indoor or small-scale communication, and the format is small. Outdoor light box advertising displays advertising content in the form of door headers, bulletin (publicity) columns, and pole light box paintings. The illustrations and fonts are larger than other print ads, making them very eye-catching.
3. Strong farsightedness The function of outdoor light box advertising is to convey information to people outdoors and at long distances through two forms of natural light (daytime) and auxiliary light (night). The far-sighted effect of advertising works is very strong, which is very conducive to the fast pace, high efficiency, and people in the modern society who come and go in a hurry to pay attention deliberately from a distance.
4. Extensive content. In public transportation, transportation, safety, welfare, savings, insurance, taxation, etc.; in commercial products, enterprises, tourism, services, etc.; in culture, education, art, etc. within culture and education, it can be widely used. play a role.
