Billboards are too heavy and fall easily

本文目录一览If a billboard on more than 20 floors falls in the middle and weighs about five or six hundred pounds, how should you get it off?
1. Use 360 ​​to repair IE. If it doesn’t work, upgrade your Adobe Flash Player.
2. Reinstall the system's built-in player windows media player
3. Open IE--Tools--Internet Options--Advanced--pull the slider to the middle position to find "Multimedia", and then select "Play animation in web page" and then click "Apply", "OK" to exit
4. The browser relies on external plug-ins to support playback of videos. Shockwave FlashObject needs to be installed in the browser add-on

Do billboards affect building safety?
A 10-meter-long 1,000-pound billboard weighs an average of 100 pounds per meter. It is relatively light. It just needs to be fixed to the concrete at several points when installing and fixing it. There is no problem with it on the pillars or beams, especially on the first floor. No matter how strong the wind blows, it won't have much impact as long as the billboard is posted on the wall.

Reasons for the fall of billboards in Kunming
The main reason for the fall of billboards in Kunming is the long-term lack of maintenance and inspection, which leads to the aging of the billboard structure, material decay and loose fixings.
First of all, billboards exposed for a long time will be affected by the natural environment, such as wind, rain, sun, etc. These factors will accelerate the aging of billboard materials. Metal materials, in particular, are susceptible to corrosion, while wooden or plastic materials may become embrittled due to UV exposure. If these aging materials are not replaced or repaired in a timely manner, their load-bearing capacity will be significantly reduced, thereby increasing the risk of falling.
Secondly, the fixings of billboards, such as screws, solder joints, etc., may also become loose or damaged due to the passage of time and the influence of weather. If the billboard is not installed in strict accordance with the standards, or if substandard quality fixings are used, these problems will gradually be exposed over time, eventually leading to a threat to the stability of the billboard.
Furthermore, lack of regular inspection and maintenance is also an important reason for billboards to fall. Some billboards receive little or no maintenance and inspection after installation, which pre vents potential safety hazards from being discovered and dealt with in a timely manner. For example, if the support structure of a billboard develops cracks or rust and is not repaired in time, the billboard can easily fall due to strong winds or other external forces.
To sum up, the main reason why Kunming billboards fall is the long-term lack of necessary maintenance and inspection, which leads to the aging and damage of billboard materials and structures. In order to pre vent similar accidents from happening, relevant departments should strengthen the supervision of billboards to ensure their installation quality, and conduct regular safety inspections and maintenance. In addition, the public should also increase their safety awareness and avoid staying near billboards for long periods of time to pre vent accidents.

The billboard is 10 meters long, 10 meters high, 0.6 meters thick, weighs 2.5 tons, and is 2 meters above the ground. If 3 columns are used, how big are the columns and how big is the foundation?
According to the information in the question, the billboard weighs 2.5 tons and is 2 meters above the ground. Therefore, the column needs to bear a weight of 2.5 tons and a height of 2 meters. In order to ensure the stability and safety of the billboard, we can choose to use 3 columns to support the billboard.
Before determining the size of the columns and the size of the foundation, it is necessary to calculate the support area of ​​the billboard. The length, width and height of the billboard are 10 meters, 10 meters and 0.6 meters respectively. Therefore, the total area of ​​the billboard is:
10×10+10×0.6×2+10×0.6× 2=124 square meters
Since the height of the billboard from the ground is 2 meters, the height of the column should be 2+10/2=7 meters.
Next, we need to determine the diameter of the column and the size of the foundation. This needs to be taken into account that when the columns bear the weight of the billboard, the columns and foundation need to be able to withstand the load in the vertical direction and the moment in the horizontal direction.
Based on the weight and supporting area of ​​the billboard, we can estimate the pre ssure of the billboard. Assuming that the center of gravity of the billboard is at the bottom of the billboard, the pre ssure required by the columns and foundation to withstand the weight of the billboard is:
In addition, in order to ensure the safety of columns and foundations, we also need to consider the impact of climate conditions on columns and foundations. For example, if the area where the billboard is located often suffers from natural disasters such as storms and typhoons, then the columns and foundation need to be stronger and more stable.
