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Complete list of billboard names

闳仲苍2024-09-22 05:12:52威海广告网百科4520
大家好!今天让小编来大家介绍下关于Complete list of billboard names的问题,以下是小编对此问题的归纳整理,让我们一起来看看吧。
本文目录一览壹、Agricultural Demonstration Base Billboard Slogan
The main business scope of Hunan Bochi Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. includes grain, animal husbandry, breeding and breeding, forestry ecological leisure industry, horticultural products, agricultural machinery product manufacturing, Agricultural demonstration bases such as agricultural product processing industry. Please design a billboard slogan based on the company name. The work is required to be catchy, easy to read and remember; the appeal can have functional points, benefit points, or emotional appeals, or a combination of the two appeals, which can attract consumers.
After holding a collection event, the editor has specially selected some of the wonderful submitted works for display for tasting (for reference only):
1. Farming is the basis, and the world is famous.
2. Bochi Agriculture - Let the people eat healthy food.
3. Bochi Agriculture, eat healthy.
4. Bochi Technology, contemporary Fuxi.
5. The fields are full of responsibility and Bo Chi agriculture.
6. Bo’s director, Chi’s future - Bo Chi Agriculture.
7. Love the world and ride in China.
8. Sow seeds now and sustain the future.
9. The farm is full of green and healthy ecology.
10. Bochi Agriculture is taking the world by storm.
11. Aim for a thousand miles and reach the world.
12. Agriculture and forestry are a family, and Bochi helps us succeed.
13. Healthy nature, green technology.
14. Bochi Agriculture——I am fascinated by the new countryside.
15. Bo Chi Agriculture, Bo Chi Agriculture and Animal Husbandry.
16. Bochi Agriculture calls for green.
17. The heart has no boundaries, and the world is full of talents.
18. BOCHI Omni-Agricultural and Livestock Industry.
19. Bochi makes agriculture more developed.
20. Kebo Chinong: Be knowledgeable in science and be knowledgeable in agriculture.
21. Bochi Agriculture, China’s favorite.
22. It has a wide range of natural resources and is famous all over the world.
23. Sow hope and reap dreams.
24. Bochi Agriculture is deeply concerned about agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and justice exists in the world.
25. Bochi - a green farm for you and your family.
26. Bochi Agriculture, a helper for farmers to get rich.
27. Proficient in agricultural science and knowledge of the country.
28. Green life, conscientious brand.
29. The heart of agriculture and forestry is at ease.
30. Inheriting the blood and will of the great man, Bochi surrounded the city.
31. Field of hope, ecological food fashion.
32. Bo Sannong brings wealth.
33. Feeding nature with nature - Bochi Agriculture.
34. The hope of the masses fills Sanxiang.
35. Agricultural aircraft carrier, Bochi leads the way.
36. Bochi Technology benefits agriculture, rural areas and farmers.
37. Bochi Agriculture does things for the people.
38. Bochi Agriculture, a caring person for our farmers, I can rest assured.
39. Bochi Agriculture is sincere, considerate and reassuring.
40. Learn from others’ strengths and enjoy the countryside - Hunan Bochi Agriculture.
41. Science and technology promote agriculture and ecological quality.
42. Be famous in the world and care about the future.
43. Bochi Agriculture is prosperous and prosperous.
44. Bochi, green and healthy, good taste.
45. Enjoy the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, and eat ecologically and healthily.
46. Bochi - leading green life.
47. Sincere Bochi, professional service.
48. Choose Bochi Agriculture and enjoy a healthy life.
49. Benefit from people’s livelihood and become famous all over the world.
50. "Bo" green species, "Chi" ecological grain.
51. Bochi Agriculture, agricultural nanny.
52. Riding on the earth, loving agriculture, rural areas and farmers
53. Bochi Agriculture - the leader in the ecological leisure industry.
54. New Agriculture, Chuangxin Industry.
55. Expertise in science and technology is famous all over the world.
56. Innovation and hard work, world-famous - Bochi.
57. Don’t seek fame and wealth, but focus on driving you to happiness.
58. Bo Chi Agriculture, Love China.
59. In agricultural development, Bochi leads the way.
60. Educate all things and ride into the future - Bochi Agriculture.
贰、What are the types of billboards and what are the names of the materials required? Thanks! Urgently
First of all, it is divided into outdoor billboards,
indoor billboards,
wall billboards
bracket billboards
anti-aircraft artillery advertisements
Light box advertising
Desktop billboard
Exhibition display board
LED sign
Wait, too many

叁、What are the common forms of outdoor advertising?

Outdoor advertising (outdoor advertising), generally advertising set up outdoors is called outdoor advertising. Common outdoor advertising include: roadside billboards, high pillar billboards (commonly known as anti-aircraft guns), light boxes, neon billboards, LED billboards, etc. Now there are even advanced outdoor advertising forms such as air balloons and airships. Outdoor advertising production has developed in the past two or three years. Nowadays, many advertising companies are paying more and more attention to the realization of creativity and design effects of outdoor advertising. All walks of life are eager to quickly enhance their corporate image and spre ad business information. Governments at all levels also hope to establish a city image and beautify the city through outdoor LED billboard advertising. These provide huge market opportunities for outdoor advertising production, and therefore put forward higher requirements. In a modern society with the rapid development of science and technology, outdoor advertising also uses many new materials, new technologies, and new equipment, and has become a kind of art that beautifies the city and is one of the signs of the city's economic development. The types of outdoor advertising installations can be divided into two categories. Self-designed outdoor advertising refers to the use of signs, light boxes, neon monograms, etc. as media forms, registered at the company's registered address, and using owned or leased buildings. , structures and other positions, the names (including logos, etc.) of enterprises, institutions, individual industrial and commercial households or other social groups. Commercial outdoor advertising refers to the use of light boxes, neon lights, electronic display devices, display boards, etc. on urban roads, highways, railway sides, ground parts of urban rail transit lines, river and lake management areas and squares, buildings and structures. Vector form and commercial advertising set on vehicles.
