220vled billboard

I、Is it better to use 12 volts or 220 volts for light boxes and billboards?
Are you talking about whether it is better to use 12 volts for light box billboards or 220 volts? Needless to say? It must be 12 volts, which means that 220 volts use 220 volts of electricity. This is particularly unsafe. For example, if there is a sudden power outage when it rains, or if there is contact with It’s not good to wait for it to drop

II、What are the consequences of directly connecting the LED luminous characters to a 220 volt power supply?

Look at the withstand voltage of the luminous characters. If it can withstand 220 volts, it will work normally. If it cannot withstand 220 volts, the consequences will be Work or burn.

LED is a cold light source. Burning the lamp does not mean a fire. It just fuses the gold wire connecting the positive and negative poles inside the LED lamp. If the lamp is plugged in directly, the lamp beads may have cracks.

Extended information

According to reports, Longyang Avenue is one of the guaranteed routes for the Military Games and has high environmental improvement requirements. There are five large commercial buildings on this main road, all with advertising luminous characters on their roofs, which will be removed as required. After many door-to-door publicity campaigns by urban management officials, Ouyada Building Materials and Home Furnishings understood the importance of the Military Games and agreed to dismantle it. This business is also the first company on Longyang Avenue to take the initiative to remove the luminous signs on the roof.

According to statistics, there are a total of 212 illegal billboards on the routes for the Military World Games in Hanyang District, of which 177 have been dismantled in accordance with the law, with a completion rate of 83.5%.

It is reported that on July 16, just after the city held a working meeting on the standardization and quality improvement of outdoor advertising facades and signboards, the Hanyang District Government acted quickly and organized a meeting of the heads of all large shopping malls in the district on the same day to deploy the military. We will carry out a compre hensive improvement and improvement project to ensure the routes for the Games, vigorously promote the rectification of outdoor advertising, remove illegal advertisements in accordance with the law, and create a clean, beautiful and orderly urban facade space environment for the Military Games.

Reference source: People's Daily Online - Hanyang Urban Management dismantled the luminous characters on the roof of the home city building
