Where to buy street stall billboards

What issues should novices pay attention to when setting up a street stall?

Novices who set up a stall need to pay attention to some regulations on the source of goods, stall location, stall time and stall location. Only by understanding this information before setting up a stall will you not be clueless. Specific pre cautions are as follows:

1. Supply of goods

The supply of goods for stalls is very important. Generally, the prices of street stall goods are very cheap to attract customers, so get It is very important to have a source of goods that are cheap and of good quality.

2. Stall location

The stall location directly determines whether your goods are available for viewing. Setting up a stall depends on the flow of people, so be sure to find a place with a large flow of people to set up your stall. Generally speaking, for example: student streets, pedestrian streets, etc. have a relatively large flow of people.

3. Stall setting time

Many places do not allow stall setting or the stall setting time is clearly stipulated, so you must first understand this basic information. If you set up a stall in a place where stalls are not allowed, it is very likely that the urban management will confiscate your goods. In addition, you also need to consider when the stall location has more traffic and is more concentrated, and then choose the stall time.

4. Some regulations on the location of stalls

You can’t set up a stall wherever you want. If it is next to some shops, you generally need to consult the shop first and pay a certain amount. Rent; if it is next to the street, it also needs to be assessed. The specific needs will depend on the regulations of different places.


1. The fees for street stalls are generally paid on the day they are set up. You can consult other stall owners before paying so as not to overpay.

2. When setting up a stall, you should pay attention to your belongings. After all, it is easy to lose things when people come and go.

What are the tips for setting up a street stall to sell clothes?

Many people want to set up street stalls to make money in their free time, but street stall business is not as easy as everyone thinks. It also contains many business skills that need to be learned by novices. Today I will I want to give you a summary of the experience and skills of successful street stall merchants, and teach you how to set up a street stall business in the best and most profitable way. Friends who want to set up a street stall business, please come and learn a few tricks.

Sharing tips on making money by setting up a street stall to sell clothes in 2020

1. Find a good stall. The better the stall, the greater the traffic, the easier it is to make money, and the more money you make. This also comes with the higher the cost, the better the stall. You have to measure the cost yourself.

2. Have an eye-catching signboard. The signboard mentioned here is not necessarily a billboard. It can be a billboard or a product. Of course, the product must attract customers. For example, a shoe seller can put a pair of enlarged versions of the shoes or the smallest size. Popular shoes can also be placed with an eye-catching billboard. This needs to be set according to your own pre ferences. It would also be a good thing if some products could be marked with prices directly. Things like socks.

3. Dress professionally when setting up a street stall. There is a saying that "learn what you do". Professional dressing can greatly enhance the image of your products, and naturally the price and grade will be silently improved. Everyone who buys things hopes to have a professional service, right? In the past, There was a team promoting Totole Chicken Essence during a local promotion. They all wore the same clothes and stood in a row, which was a beautiful sight.

4. Appropriately praise your product. This is the first step in sales. Familiarize yourself with and understand your product. But don’t go too far, as it will make your customers think you are bragging.

5. Keep smiling. Girls who love to smile will not have bad luck. Just imagine, when you are a customer and see the seller in a bad mood or with a bad attitude, you probably have no intention of buying. A boss who always smiles will have a prosperous business. Don’t believe it? You can try it.

The above is a sharing of super practical tips for making money by setting up a street stall in 2020. If you want to set up a street stall, you must go to a place with a large flow of people. Only in this way can you have the opportunity to promote the transaction, otherwise no one will come to patronize you. stall.
