Railway station billboard cleaning is reliable and cheap

一、How to clean billboards
1. Confirm the material:
Different light boxes face different material cleaning methods and chemicals used, so we must first know the advertisements that need to be cleaned. What material the sign is made of, whether it is organic plastic sheet, billboard cloth, etc., must be clearly distinguished.
2. Choose a cleaner:
Choose a cleaner based on the material of the billboard. Common billboard cleaners include all-purpose clean water, neutral detergent, bright glass cleaner, etc.
3. Tools used:
Aerial work series tools, ladder frames, high-pre ssure jets, soft scrubbers, watering cans, rags, sponges, scouring pads, etc.;
4. Operation steps:
(1) First observe the age and material of the billboard maintenance material. If it is found that the advertising cloth has aged or weathered and is no longer suitable for cleaning, and needs to be replaced, the advertiser should be informed;
(2) In Conduct a small-scale cleaning experiment in a local area. If there is no reaction, the operation can be normal. If any discoloration or fading is found, the cleaning should be stopped immediately and the cleaning agent should be replaced;
(3) Reasonable selection of chemicals and auxiliary tools;
5 , Precautions:
Corresponding protective measures need to be taken, 1. Completely cut off the power supply of the billboard, 2. Construction workers should wear safety belts.

二、How about the door billboard cleaning machine? Is Xiangyangtian brand good?
The door sign cleaning machine can not only clean door signs, but also high-altitude exterior walls, glass, windows, bus stop signs, large public transportation vehicles, etc. It is an essential tool for cleaning. When choosing a door billboard cleaning machine, you must pay attention to comparing the quality, accessories and after-sales service of products from different manufacturers. Xiangyangtian's cleaning machine is very cost-effective.
