
Which software is better for billboard renderings?


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化仲胤 2024-09-21 19:13:17

一、Promotional advertising renderings - how to make billboard titanium brushed renderings with cdr
Photoshop makes outdoor advertising renderings, how to do this?

You can use the pen tool to draw the outline first, and then color and text. Pay attention to the perspective relationship.

How to make a billboard with cdr Titanium brushed effect picture

Use the layer folding tool and adjust the transparency to create the effect.

Find a rendering with a brushed effect, such as a movie rendering. Place the image you want to create on the second layer, use the transparency tool, and adjust the transparency of the rendering according to the desired effect. , perform stroke processing on the desired effect and delete other useless parts.

Good billboards can not only achieve good publicity effects, but are also artistic in themselves. The most classic method of outdoor billboards is to make clever use of the environment. Integrate the billboard with the surrounding environment to create a stronger visual impact. It makes the viewer instantly understand that this is what it is, and at the same time, it makes them feel guilty.

How to design advertising renderings?

I have been engaged in display design for eleven years and have made countless renderings, but I have never heard of the project of advertising renderings. If you understand it literally, it is to make a three-dimensional rendering of a product or product scene application in order to achieve the effect of advertising! Most of them are used by e-commerce groups because they are limited by the cost of shooting. Many e-commerce companies in order to save expenses , instead of building a shooting venue for the product, use a three-dimensional virtual scene instead, and use the renderer to obtain scene pictures that cannot be satisfied by camera shooting. To make this advertising rendering, you must first use 3D design software, edit various materials accurately, and master the arrangement of virtual lights and virtual camera adjustments! A good advertising rendering requires not only learning 3D software, but also graphic software It cannot be missing. The final pre sentation must use graphic software to edit and typeset the advertising fonts and promotional copy in order to more accurately convey the content of the advertising!

二、How to design a light steel keel billboard rendering with CorelDraw?
1. Make a light steel keel billboard shelf. Use the rectangle tool to draw a rectangle, remove the border, and fill it with red; copy the long rectangle. , pan and pull it out to the appropriate height; click the "Reconciliation" tool in the left toolbar, click on the first long rectangle, click and hold it, and drag it to the second long rectangle; in the "Reconciliation Object" , adjust the spacing between the rectangles to the appropriate spacing. 2. Just add text directly to the billboard style. What needs to be paid attention to is the choice of font size and color. The font should be clear and easy to read, and the color should be prominent and easy to identify. 3. The second billboard style can be divided into color blocks to highlight the store name and main information. Method: 1) Use the selection tool to select all the pre viously made shelves, pre ss Ctrl+K to separate the rectangles, and then pre ss Ctrl+G to combine them; 2) Use the rectangle tool to divide the range of the required color Circle it, select the rectangular frame, hold down Shift, click on the keel frame, and select the intersect tool; 3) Fill it with yellow; 4) Just add text, and pay attention to the font, font size, and color. 4. Billboard Style 3: While dividing blocks by color, shapes can be used to further differentiate. 1) Select the Ellipse tool, hold down Ctrl, and pull out a perfect circle; 2) Select the perfect circle, hold down Shift while selecting the keel frame, select the Intersect tool, fill it with white, and delete the perfect circle; 3) Click on the remaining intersection Fill the remaining rectangle with blue; 4) Just add text, and pay attention to the font, font size, and color. 5. Billboard style four 1) Draw a rectangle outside the rectangle, use the shape tool to round the right corners of the rectangle; 2) Select the rounded rectangle, drag it to the appropriate position, hold down Shift while selecting For the keel frame, select the Intersect tool, fill it with yellow, click to select the rounded rectangle, and delete it; 3) Just add text, and pay attention to the font, font size, and color.