
Do you know the difference between NBA and CBA?

Floor: NBA court floors are all waxed, but CBA courts are not so particular, but the difference between the two can be seen from the TV broadcast footage. After waxing The floor is obviously bright and textured.
Lighting: During NBA games, all lights are focused on the court to create a stage effect; while many CBA courts are brightly lit during games, which does not allow fans to better feel the atmosphere of the live game.
Jersey design: NBA team jerseys are all designed by well-known designers, and the jerseys themselves are very simple; while CBA jerseys are always printed with large sponsor LOGOs, starting from the jerseys of the two teams in the UAE this year The comparison is clear at a glance.
Commercialization: The NBA's operating model is purely commercial, with the purpose of attracting more viewers and making profits. Each team also has a lot of independent operating rights, and the CBA's own operating agency is the Basketball Association. It is an institution within the system, so commercialization has always been restricted, and it is difficult for the team to have much independent management rights.
Player diet: NBA players basically pay attention to controlling their diet. Of course, not all players are so restrained. For example, O'Neal eats pizza and hamburgers indiscriminately; the CBA offseason is long, and player training is not very systematic, so diet control is Very loose.
Bench: CBA bench players are usually placed behind billboards, which seems to have little to do with the fighting on the court. However, the NBA bench is zero distance from the court, which undoubtedly brings the bench players closer. The distance from the players on the field.
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Why is the feeling of watching CBA on TV completely different from that of NBA?

As two local basketball leagues in China and the United States, there are many differences and gaps between the two. If you are lucky enough to be able to watch the games of the two leagues, the differences between them The difference is even more obvious than watching it on TV.

Differences in venues

Size, NBA is more spacious

Generally speaking, the size of the NBA and CBA arenas are similar (the three points are different). They are basically built in accordance with FIBA ​​rules, but the size of the entire venue is very different. Domestic CBA arenas generally accommodate between a few thousand and tens of thousands of people, but NBA arenas are basically very large arenas that can accommodate tens of thousands of spectators for a game.

The lighting, design, flooring, etc. are different

In addition to the size, the style and design of the entire arena are basically different. From lighting, layout, materials, to design and beauty, CBA is too Stiff and traditional, the layout and color combination have no aesthetic appeal. The NBA is beautiful, simple and trendy, and the CBA has too many advertisers, which all have particularly eye-catching advertising logos and slogans, which is particularly awkward, especially the row of billboards on the bench, which is simply priceless.

Cultural Differences

The basketball culture of the NBA is indeed different from ours. Old Americans are particularly enthusiastic about it, and they often do it during the game. There were some small games to interact with the audience and fans, and the atmosphere at the scene was still great. But this basically doesn’t work in China. Take the NBA's kissing game. As long as the camera is focused on male and female spectators, they will kiss directly. This is obviously not possible in the CBA. And their mascot is also very funny and weird, and the effect is really good.

Competition level

The overall level of the NBA is naturally higher than that of the CBA. There is no doubt about this, so the excitement of the game is obvious. . Picturesque moves, extremely difficult operations, exciting duels, etc., the NBA is far better than the CBA in terms of viewing pleasure. In addition, the NBA's game system is somewhat different from that of the CBA, which makes the NBA more enjoyable to watch.

Not only that, the NBA is a league that likes to create stars and promotes individual heroism. Such a script is comparable to a movie, so more fans and audiences will naturally like it.

So, it’s not that everyone worships foreigners, but that they are indeed better than us, and there is room for us to learn and improve.

Purely love basketball, purely personal opinion
