Billboards all over the street

本文目录一览I、Why are the streets full of red and white store billboards and placards?
This is a very ancient tradition that originated in ancient China. In ancient times, red and white had special meanings: red repre sented good luck, good luck, victory and wealth; while white repre sented goodwill, tranquility, peace and purification. Therefore, most store billboards and placards are decorated with these two colors to attract customers with positive energy to come for consumption.

II、There are no billboards on the streets of North Korea, and roadside shops are state-owned.
North Korea is a unique country. When you travel to North Korea, you will find that the lives of the people here are very different from other places. The city appearance of Pyongyang, North Korea, is also very special. For example, in some big cities in other countries, you can see billboards all over the streets. However, it is very difficult to see a billboard in Pyongyang, North Korea. There are many small shops on the roadside in Pyongyang, North Korea. According to our tour guide, these small shops are also state-owned.
North Korea now has one car brand, one airline, two subway lines, and three relatively large state-owned travel agencies. However, according to our tour guide, some small travel agencies have also appeared. There are two well-known universities in North Korea. The widest street in Pyongyang, North Korea is Unification Avenue, and the Taedong River is the mother river of North Korea, with a total length of more than 400 kilometers. There are currently three main types of cars in North Korea. One is a black-card military vehicle, the other is a blue-card public vehicle, and there are also yellow-card private cars. Cars used by foreigners have red plates. However, the number of private cars is very small.
In North Korea, tour guides are most proud of their free education, free medical care and free housing. Walking on the streets of North Korea, you can't see a single billboard, but you can see various slogans and slogans. Walking in Pyongyang, North Korea, you can feel a sense of orderliness. Because North Korean people don’t like the United States, they don’t wear jeans. The most common ones worn by ordinary people are work clothes, military uniforms and student uniforms. In addition, women will wear skirts. Some girls start wearing high heels in high school. North Korean women don’t dye their hair because they think hair dyeing is a Western thing.
North Korean women will perm their hair. Most of the North Korean girls seen on the road will have their hair half-tied and not let down. North Korean adults all wear badges. Primary and secondary school students will wear red scarves. The overall style of North Korean people's clothing is simple and elegant, and there are not too many bright colors. Walking in North Korea, you will feel like time has flown back to the 1980s. No matter how you feel about this country, the people here always give people a feeling of indifference.
When traveling to North Korea, you can witness the simplicity of the North Korean people and feel the pre ferential treatment they give to foreign guests. Foreigners can enjoy various special treatments in North Korea, so it is good to travel to North Korea.

III、Why haven’t I seen Juewei billboards on the bus terminal?
As a kind of advertisement, outdoor print is placed in a selective and quantitative manner. No matter how awesome a business is, it is impossible for every stop sign on the street to be filled with its advertisements. If you don't see it, it means that the location or city you are referring to is not within the merchant's delivery range.
