Hangzhou exquisite billboard advertising space product introduction

作者:缑仲慈 | 发布日期:2024-09-22 11:08:08

一、Hangzhou Lusheng Group Co., Ltd. Honors

Hangzhou Lusheng Group Co., Ltd. has won many awards during its development process, demonstrating excellent corporate reputation and product quality. In 2002 and 2003, the company was awarded the title of "Top 100 Provincial Integrity Enterprises" by the Zhejiang Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce for two consecutive years, demonstrating its outstanding performance in business integrity.

In 2003, Greensun further established its leading position in the industry with its title of "AAA-level Contract-abiding and Credit-worthy Enterprise". At the same time, "Lvzhisheng" brand Lvsheng beef jerky was recognized as "China Green Food" by the National Green Food Development Center, proving its product's commitment to environmental protection and health.

At the agricultural expo, Lusheng’s agricultural products won the Silver Award for Quality Agricultural Products, demonstrating its high quality and competitiveness in the field of agricultural products. In the same year, the company was also rated as one of the top 100 excellent and strong growth enterprises in Hangzhou and a key enterprise in Shangcheng District, demonstrating its strong development momentum and regional influence.

In 2005, Green Sheng's brand building reached a new level and successfully won the double honors of "Hangzhou Famous Trademark" and "Hangzhou Famous Brand Product", further enhancing brand awareness and Market recognition.

Lvsheng Group continues to pursue innovation, launching new products such as Farmer and Sea, and pioneering the R&V non-competitive strategic alliance in the international business field, demonstrating its forward-looking strategy perspective and global perspective.

Today, Lusheng Group is using unpre cedented courage and transcending traditional concepts to build a corporate giant with a scale of over 10 billion and continue to lead the prosperity and development of the beef jerky industry.

Extended information

Hangzhou Lusheng Food Co., Ltd. was established in September 1993 with a registered capital of 3.01 million yuan. Currently specializing in the production and sales of "Lvsheng Beef Jerky". The company's goal is to make "Lvsheng Beef Jerky" the world's number one brand. Since there are currently no major domestic and foreign companies in the beef jerky industry, this leaves business opportunities for "Lvsheng". EcoWorld's short-term goal is to erect a large billboard of "EcoWorld Beef Jerky, Optimize Life Energy" in the Olympic Center in Beijing in 2008. In 2008, the sales volume of EcoWorld Beef Jerky is 3.2 billion. This year, the sales volume of EcoWorld Beef Jerky will reach more than 80 million. , while the sales volume in 1999 was only more than 10 million.

二、How much does a billboard cost?
Door production:
1. Acrylic door, about 450 yuan per square meter (depends on local conditions, glows at night, better than neon lights)< br/>2. Aluminum-plastic plate door head is about 300 yuan, and the engraving material is additional.
3. Color steel plate door head, about 200 yuan