
⓵Can the acrylic plate on the crystal surface of the billboard be replaced? Is there any way to change the color without changing it?
First of all, I want to say that the production process of crystal characters and acrylic blister characters are completely different. Acrylic characters can replace the font surface, while crystal characters require the entire font to be replaced because the surface is made of poured resin. If the current font surface is white, then the luminous color can be changed without changing the font. However, it can be seen at night and it is still white during the day. The method is to change the color of the LED light-emitting tube inside. There are also colorful light-emitting tubes that can change the color.

⓶How to deal with billboards with irregular words?

Irregular billboards will be forcibly removed and corresponding penalties will be imposed.

According to the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the National Standard Spoken and Written Language":

Article 13: The public service industry shall standardize Chinese characters as the basic service characters. Due to public service needs, if signboards, advertisements, notices, signs, etc. use foreign characters and Chinese characters at the same time, standardized Chinese characters should be used.

Promote the use of Mandarin as the language of service in the public service industry.

Article 26 If any person violates the relevant provisions of Chapter 2 of this Law and does not use spoken and written language in accordance with the norms and standards of the national common spoken and written language, citizens may make criticisms and suggestions.

If the use of personnel terms specified in Paragraph 2 of Article 19 of this Law violates the relevant provisions of Chapter 2 of this Law, the relevant units shall criticize and educate the directly responsible personnel; if they refuse to make corrections, the relevant units shall make deal with.

If the facilities, signboards and advertisements in urban public places violate the relevant provisions of Chapter 2 of this Law, the relevant administrative departments shall order them to make corrections; if they refuse to make corrections, they shall be given a warning and urged to make corrections within a time limit.

Relevant provisions:

According to the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the National Standard Spoken and Written Language":

Article 14 The following circumstances , the basic language and characters should be based on the national common language:

(1) The language and characters used in radio, film, and television;

(2) The characters used in facilities in public places;

(3) Words used on signboards and advertisements;

(4) Names of enterprises and institutions;

(5) Packaging and descriptions of goods sold within the country .

Article 15 The national common spoken and written language used in information processing and information technology products shall comply with national norms and standards.

In the relevant provisions of this Chapter, Article 16, dialects may be used under the following circumstances:

(1) Staff members of state agencies really need to use them when performing official duties;

(2) Broadcasting terms approved by the Radio and Television Department of the State Council or the provincial radio and television department;

(3) Needed to be used in opera, film and television and other art forms;

< p> (4) It is really necessary to use it in publishing, teaching, and research.

Reference for the above content:

National Standard Language and Character Law of the People's Republic of China_China National People's Congress Network
