Billboard with yellow characters on red background and white characters on green background

>▽<For business people, look at Feng Shui to explain what kind of signboards are bad for business operations
A signboard is the image of a company or a store. The so-called "gold paint signboard" requires not only a suitable name In addition, the placement, pattern, and color design of signboards are all based on Feng Shui.
Improper signboard design often affects a store's bad reputation, reduced efficiency, reduced customer base, and even its closure. Here are a few types of signboard Feng Shui that are not conducive to business operations:
1. The background color of the signboard is incompatible with the color of the name
The background color of the signboard repre sents the customer, and the name of the signboard repre sents the boss; generally speaking, the background color of the signboard repre sents the best name. It is auspicious, such as red with yellow characters; the background color of the name is the second auspicious, such as white characters with green background; the background color of the name is flat, such as red characters with yellow background; the background color of the name is the most auspicious, such as: the background color of the sign is red, and the characters on the sign are The name is white, red with five elements belonging to fire repre sents customers, white with five elements belonging to gold repre sents the boss, fire overcomes metal, and customers overcome the owner. This will lead to phenomena such as customers bullying the store, customers seriously bargaining, and employees being difficult to manage.
2. The color of the signboard is in conflict with the five elements of the industry

The color of the signboard should be designed according to the five elements of the company and store industry. Generally speaking, the color of the signboard is the most auspicious of the five elements of the industry, and the color of the signboard is the second auspicious element of the five elements of the industry. The sign color of the five elements is flat, and the color of the sign can overcome the most evil of the five elements in the industry. For example, the five elements of the aquarium industry belong to water, but the signboard uses yellow as the main tone. The five elements of yellow belong to earth, and earth controls water. Earth is the official killer of water, disease ghosts, and water. Water is the living environment for fish, and water is like wealth. In this way, fish fry will often get sick, business will be depre ssed, and management pre ssure will be high.
3. The color of the signboard is contrary to the numerology of the boss
The background color of the signboard is related to the color of the name, and the color of the name is the most auspicious to the boss. The signature color cannot use the color of the five elements of the boss's numerology. For example, if the boss's numerology favors the five elements of water and avoids the five elements of fire and earth, but uses yellow characters on a red background or red characters on a yellow background, this will often lead to poor management, a bad reputation, a stagnant business, or even bankruptcy.

4. The five elements are in conflict with the neighboring shop signs
Walking on the street, it is not difficult to find that there are various shop signs of various colors. Your shop is not doing well. Check it out. Is there a situation where the shop sign is incompatible with the sign opposite, upstairs or next door? For example, the main color of your shop sign is purple, and the main color of the shop sign not far across the street is black. The five elements of purple belong to fire and the five elements of black belong to water. , water overcomes fire, and fire is overcome by water, can business prosper? Even if purple is your numerology favorite color, it will be greatly reduced.
5. The signboard is damaged and dilapidated
The signboard is the image of a store. In Feng Shui, every shape must have its image. If the name of the signboard falls off, is dilapidated, damaged, or faded, it is a sign of depre ssion. , which will affect the deterioration of store operations. I remember that there was a restaurant in our local area named "Sanwei". The business was very good at first. However, due to the typhoon, the sign "Sanwei" and "三" became "一" and "三伟" became "一伟". The boss I didn't pay attention, and the signboard was never repaired. Later, the "Yiwei" restaurant was hit by a typhoon, and the character "Wei" was incomplete and shaped like the character "成". Even Yiwei was gone, and it became a Yicheng Restaurant, and its business eventually faded. , graduation comes to an end.

≥ω≤Which two colors are the most eye-catching for the shop sign? The base is colored steel. Urgent! ! ! ! !
Red characters on a yellow background and yellow characters on a red background are the most eye-catching
