3dmax light box billboard

⑴Introduction to Visual Communication Design and Production Major

Visual communication design refers to the design in which designers use graphic visual symbols—text, illustrations, and logos—to convey various information to recipients. Its main function is to disseminate and promote. The visual communication design major is often referred to as graphic design.

It involves many fields, such as: various print advertisements in newspapers and magazines, billboards on both sides of the road, light boxes, etc. all belong to the field of visual communication design. In design, its contents mainly include: advertising design, printing design, book binding design, poster design, product packaging design, and corporate image design (VI design).

Extended information

Many people think that art design (visual communication) is "graphic design" and "graphic design". This understanding has limitations. Although visual communication design first originated from "graphic design" or "printing art design", as the scope of modern design gradually expands, digital technology has penetrated into all fields of visual communication design.

Before 2012, the name visual communication design was not included in the catalog of art majors. People saw more of art design. With the rapid development of science and technology, the content of design expre ssion can no longer cover some new information transmission media, so visual communication design emerged as the times require.

References Visual Communication Design Major_Baidu Encyclopedia
