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⒈Why does the NBA game look like a big production, but the CBA looks like a low-budget one?

Friends who like basketball usually pay attention to the NBA and CBA, but after watching them for a long time, they will find a problem. That is, NBA game scenes look like big-budget movies, while CBA looks like a low-budget production in comparison. It stands to reason that the CBA has developed quite rapidly in recent years and has spent more and more money, but why is the quality of the games still not improving? Do you know what the problem is? Let me tell you one by one below.

The first is the lighting issue. Lighting effect is the main factor that affects the quality of the picture. In NBA games, the illumination of the light must generally reach 2000. However, in the CBA league, the illumination of the light is basically at the level of 1400. Therefore, the brightness of the CBA game picture is not as good as that of the NBA. This This is one of the reasons why I feel the picture is not good when watching the game.

Not only that, in terms of light focus, generally after the game starts, the lights in the NBA arena are mainly concentrated on the court, and the lights in the auditorium will be darker, so there is a very obvious contrast between light and dark. , it also allows people’s vision to focus on the court, and also makes players more eye-catching on the court. However, the lighting in the CBA arena is relatively scattered. Although it mainly focuses on the arena, the lights in the auditorium are not dark. The contrast between light and dark between the stadium and the auditorium is not obvious, and the audience on the sidelines can easily stand out in the picture.

The second problem is the floor. NBA arena floors are all made of North American maple, and the surface has been treated through multiple processes. It is very smooth and has a good reflective effect. Moreover, the floor color is darker, which will not make the light reflection too conspicuous, so it looks calm and atmospheric. Most of the CBA stadium floors use domestic materials, and only a few teams have introduced North American maple, so the floor effect shows a gap.

In addition to the differences in the floors themselves, there are also big gaps in floor maintenance. NBA floors have a dedicated maintenance team to maintain them, while CBA's floor maintenance is insufficient. Not only that, the CBA floor is not as good as the NBA in terms of floor elasticity coefficient, which will have a weak impact on the players' bounce. In the past, when NBA teams went to China to play Chinese games, they even had floors flown in from the United States. It is not difficult to see the gap.

Once again, there is the issue of courtside advertising. Whether NBA or CBA, there is such a thing as courtside advertising. But in the NBA arena, during the game, the billboard lights will dim a bit and will not be so conspicuous. The CBA billboards are relatively brightly lit during games and can be seen at a glance. Elements that have nothing to do with the game are highlighted in the picture, which naturally makes the picture look cheap.

Finally, it is a question of camera scheduling. After so many years of development, the NBA's on-site photography has reached a professional level. Many camera operators even have experience in film production. Therefore, they are very professional in the scheduling, control and switching of game scenes and can capture the focus of the game. In contrast, CBA camera's picture control ability is relatively poor. Often the picture capture cannot focus on key points, and it especially likes to capture the whole scene from high angles. This condescending shooting method greatly reduces the quality of the picture.

The above points are personal opinions and some personal views on the picture quality of NBA and CBA. There may be some mistakes. I hope everyone can correct me. But to be fair, hoping that the CBA will catch up with the NBA should be the hope of most domestic fans. Although it is not easy to narrow the gap in player level, but we must at least build the hardware first, right? Once the platform is completed, it will also be helpful to improve the level of the league.
