
一、What are the quality requirements for the wall advertising engineering department?
① Management of construction process.
A. The person in charge of each construction team is the captain, and other personnel also have detailed division of labor.
According to the size of the project, one inspector will be assigned to every 3-4 construction teams.
C. Each project is equipped with a general inspector, and each person is responsible for his or her own responsibilities to ensure that Party A and Party B communicate in a timely manner, both parties have timely access to quality and progress information, and finally complete the construction tasks with quality and quantity.
② Management of advertising release period.
The engineering teams under the Advertising Engineering Department are responsible for road sections in fixed areas. They are responsible for the wall advertising conditions in their respective areas, repair them in a timely manner, and provide comparison photos before and after repairs.
The release period of wall advertisements is generally one year. After the release period expires, the Advertising Engineering Department will issue instructions to deal with the expiration of wall advertisements and expired releases.

二、What is the process of producing wall advertisements?

Determine the main publishing area.

Determine the amount of funds to be invested.

Overall advertising design plan.

Determine the manuscript.

Sign the contract.

Make a sample for Party A’s confirmation.

Phased acceptance will be implemented at the start of construction.
